Naval battles - FIXED

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Naval battles - FIXED

Postby Itangast » Mon May 24, 2010 1:07 pm

My light armies did not have STR of 4 while battling at sea.

Used some Light infantary with a Pegasi in stack.

The light infantary had 2 (3) in str. It should have been 4 (5)
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Re: Naval battles

Postby piranha » Mon May 24, 2010 1:55 pm

In the current beta naval battles are handled like land combat. In the next beta naval battles is different but you would have STR 2 in the next beta.

We are going by Warlords 2 DLX and there land units don't get STR 4, but units with more than STR 4 only have STR 4. Also the pegasi +1 stack will not apply to land units on water. Land units simply suck on water :-).
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