Fail boat

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Fail boat

Postby zorro » Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:17 am


The two pics below show two stacks which I wanted to land where you can see the one ship on gras. Both parties were displayed as ships on water before, but when I moved the first on land it remained a ship.

Its still my turn, didnt do anything after that happened.

I deleted the attachement, maybe they havent seen it yet :)
Last edited by zorro on Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fail boat

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:13 pm

If you look close at your ship on land, you can see that it is only the Hero that has the Sea-symbol still on him.
What you need to do is select only this hero (deselect the rest of the stack), then move him back to anchor -> this should convert him to a landunit and leave him with 2 movepoints.
You can then move him back on land where the other 7 guys are waiting.

In beta4 i think i might remove all water :mrgreen:
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Re: Fail boat

Postby KGB » Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:58 pm


I've figured out this bug happens only when a hero + flier grouped with boats stops on a port. The convert code doesn't seem to check whether the hero is grouped with the flier and so it converts him from flying (land) to a boat so you get separated from your stack.

The only way around this is to ungroup the hero + flier on the square before the port. Land the boats, then fly the hero back to the stack.

Despite having figured this out, I still from time to time end up in this situation which causes your stack to get split and the hero to be on his own for 2 turns will you fix things. I'm sure this has cost several players their hero.

I'm assuming in Beta4 you'll force stacks to stop at ports instead of auto-pass through. Then the player will have to chose whether to land/sail and if they are sailing they'll have to select the boat type.

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Re: Fail boat

Postby LPhillips » Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:52 am

That system sounds workable. Also, can you set it so that ports are only activated if the units end their movement on the port? The game sometimes paths over ports, causing ships to be converted to land units and unable to finish their path.

One more thing: Heroes grouped with fliers+walkers get the walkers' movement bonus over tough terrain. This is critical when you move a hero+dragon etc. into a group to make an attack, then go to move... and find your hero has lost 12 movement points instead of 4, and sometimes is left vulnerable in the open instead of at his/her destination.
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