Allow gold members to click on enemy units and have the standard move range displayed for that unit (on the map view, similar to the fog-of-war, just highlight all squares that this unit could move to in the next turn.
This should only account for the standard move of that unit, so it should not include the 2 saved movepoints nor +2 move from temples or stacked units with group move ability. The reason is that this feature should give no extra information that cannot be gained already. It should only provide some convenience.
(I am just tired of counting squares all the time, in order to see which of my cities are in range of that griffin that always hides in the mountain range... )
PS: Maybe it should always include +2 move points for all units (not giving away whether or not the enemy unit actually has saved any move points), just to be on the safe side and avoid confusion for players relying on this feature then.