Statistics Page Instructions

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Statistics Page Instructions

Postby jetigig » Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:32 am

"How do I read the statistics page?" is a question that has plagued me ever since the statistics page came into being. I for one would really appreciate a guide to what all the numbers mean so I could actually glean some information from those pages. I enjoy looking at statistics and graphs but not if I can't read them.
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Re: Statistics Page Instructions

Postby KGB » Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:02 pm

Which statistic's pages are you asking about?

Ones in the Wiki or ones in a game itself?

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Re: Statistics Page Instructions

Postby piranha » Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:17 pm

I assume you mean community->statistics in the top menu.

The first page are units where each column is a month.
The percentage is how often that unit is bought and its divided into 6 groups. heroes, 1 turn, 2 turn, 3 turn, 4 turn and 5 turn.
If you look at 1 turn units, (units with a (1) after the percentage) heavy infantry and scout dominates.

The second page display maps and how often games are started on them but I think there is a bug there so I'm not sure it can be trusted.
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Re: Statistics Page Instructions

Postby Chazar » Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:35 pm

Why is "how often bought" a useful number?

Certain unit types occur more often in neutral cities, so I rarely buy them, despite producing this unit frequently (e.g. orcs, elven archers, light cavalry).

I think "how often produced" would be a more useful statistic to determine to general popularity of a unit type. One could then also more easily compare the popularity of units having different production times, by multiplying the number with the production time.
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