It would speed up team games if team partners could inspect the remaining movement points on allied units.
We're constantly asking ourselves in the game chat which allied units can reach which location, then delaying the turn until we have the answer, etc. (This is furthermore complicated by the absence of coordinates or searching cities by name.)
Options: (d is best, but a might be easiest to implement?)
It would be splendid if one could right-click allied stacks similar to enemy stacks, having their remaining move range shown with blue tinted squares.
However, this should be allowed to work for all units of a stack, not only the topmost unit. If this is too complicated, it would already be helpful if within the pop-up that appears when clicking on an allied stack, the mouse-over would show the remaining movement points in addition to the strength as is currently shown.
Another helpful option to implement my wish would be tiny icons similar to the current "Defend" icon, which would be displayed for allied stacks that have less than half of their total move remaining. It would not be very accurate, but useful enough and really easy to glance.
I guess the best option would be to allow a player to normally select allied stacks. Units of an allied stack should behave like in Observer-Mode, i.e. a player cannot move the unit, but can set a path. Clicking would then allow to judge the range for the current turn (and even subsequent turns for Gold-Members as normal already). However, any changed path for allied units should be ignored by the server, i.e. a team partner should not be able to alter a stack's set path.