makeixo wrote:First I dont see the point of abuse. If I manage to use a unit in more then one battle in my opinion thats not an abuse. Second yet I can do the same as a player. Third units have limited move points.
Except most of the units (Red Dragon, Grand Archon etc) that will be abused are ones that come from hero offers / ruins and have good movement. So it's going to make those offers/finds that much more unbalancing if one team gets a Red Dragon and can share it among several team mates stacks. Being able to increase the power of multiple stacks by +10 is very over powering.
makeixo wrote:But I think this point also can be managed. When you join a stack the unit has to stay the whole turn in the stack o at least with last attacking unit in the case your team mate divides the stack.
I don't see how the game can enforce this. Lets say my Red Dragon joins my teammates stack and we attack and all his units die. Then my dragon is 'free' and can do as he pleases. Or he can separate out all his units but 1 and then disband 1 unit freeing my dragon again. This for sure isn't viable nor would it be very easy to explain. Units have to be able to freely join/leave any time they want.
makeixo wrote:Nobody has to control the amount. If you have 92 units you can reassign 9. When you have reassigned 9 units the "join-button" stays inaktive/grey. If you have the next turn 108u you can reassign another unit. If you lose 3 units (=89 units) the units stay reassigned but if you or your team mate lose one, you cannot reassign another, because you only can reassign 8 units.
The game absolutely has to manage this. It HAS to track exactly which units I send (Smursh mentioned special coloring). It must do this because if I have 100 units and send my team mate 10 units and 2 die in battle (or are disbanded) I should now be able to send 2 more since he only has 8 of my units. Furthermore he should be able to give those units back to me so I can give him different ones in another area. Also imagine we each have 100 units. I give him 10 so I have 90 and he has 110. He should then be able to give me back 10 of his, not 11 and also he should be able to technically give me back 20 (my 10 plus 10 of his own) so that I have 110 and he has 90. This is a unit tracking nightmare and will require a lot of code and testing and probably bug fixing to get right.