Defence order in team games

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Defence order in team games

Postby fantastory » Tue Mar 27, 2018 9:54 am

When playing team games players tend to send units to their team castles for defence.
It often ends that two stacks are defending the city - owner's stack and mate's stack.

The problem here is that owners support units - pegas heroes etc... are fighting before mates infantry.

The solution would be to split units for grunts and support units.
Lets do it like this: in defence order window let there be a black line after first 4 lines.
It will mean that first 24 units are grunts and all other are support units.
The defence order would go like this.
1. owner's grunts
2. mate's grunts
3. owners' support
4. mate's support
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Re: Defence order in team games

Postby SnotlinG » Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:39 am

Defence order is compared without regard to owners.
This means that if your allies infantery fights after your supportunits, either he/she has moved them way back in his defence-order, or you have moved your supportunits forward in the defence order.

For example you have your pegasus on position 24 of your defence-order (the total one from the menu), your ally has his heavy infantery on position 28 of his totalt defence-order, it means that your pegasus will fight before the infantery...
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Re: Defence order in team games

Postby smursh » Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:29 pm

As I understand this order is from position in your total fight order list but what if me and my ally have different units in the same fight order spot. For example I have a barb in first spot and he has hv inf. How does the game determine who fights first?
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Re: Defence order in team games

Postby SnotlinG » Mon Apr 23, 2018 6:26 am

Randomly I think :)
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Re: Defence order in team games

Postby Chazar » Sat May 26, 2018 9:16 am

In my experience, Problems usually arise due to excessive use of the highly useful Quick-Fight-Order menu.

Before expected team defense battles, I use the full dialogue and move all unit types that I don't actually own to the very front, if I want my units to come last and vice versa. Worked fine thus far.
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