Negern wrote:To work better vs hl and ranger without becoming too strong vs pala and dk, maybe the archon could get 2 negate terrain. Then it'd be 8 vs the terrain specific hero types while remaining at 6 vs the classics.
Well, negate terrain only works against terrain dependent strength bonus, but I take it that you meant a terrain dependent negate heroism.
I think this is going in the wrong direction. Although I love the idea of terrain dependent variations of all bonus kinds, not just strength, morale, chaos and leadership, I think it might make it too complicated overall. Rangers and HorseLords ought to be toned down a little bit, requiring them 1 or 2 levels more before they max out their leadership skills at the current levels.
However, this thread is about the archon. Move 20 and Strength 30 are on the table. Would this be enough for people to buy them? Do they need another increase elsewhere? Or another bonus?
(I think that it might be enough already to try out on the field an see.)