More City names for Map Editor

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More City names for Map Editor

Postby Chazar » Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:15 pm

I wish that the Map editor's random name generator had a bigger list of cities!

I am serious: I am really confused if I play several games on different maps that happen to feature the same city name. I just learned that Korirway lies in the North, just to find it in the south in the next map. Especially the absence of a search function makes this horrible, with all those Thyraxwoods around!

Yes, I am aware that map makers can choose their own names, and that players may rename their cities to sow confusion (actually: which name do I see, when a player renames a city that is currently hidden in the fog of war?). Nevertheless, one encounters the same city names all too often! If the list of names would be bigger, then the chance of this happening would be much smaller. (Even better would be if the chance for each name appearing would be linked to a quadrant of the map, so that certain names most often occur in the Southwest and other in the Northeast across all names with random names.)

Maybe we can all contribute and collect some more city names here in this thread, unless there are copyright issues with stealing names from one's favourite books. Either way, it would be useful for a starter to see the current list and what is on it.
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