Underground terrain, dungeons/caverns etc.

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Underground terrain, dungeons/caverns etc.

Postby FatsXL » Sun May 18, 2014 5:29 am

I understand this might not be technically feasible but I think it would be a cool feature for map making, especially if regular terrain could be placed on top as normal. Flyers would still be able to fly while underground, but wouldn't be able to fly between above and under ground squares unless they are entrance/exit points. Maybe a new unit could be created that "burrows", switching between under and above ground terrain at any location for a modest movement cost.
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Re: Underground terrain, dungeons/caverns etc.

Postby KGB » Sun May 18, 2014 4:51 pm

FatsXL wrote: Maybe a new unit could be created that "burrows", switching between under and above ground terrain at any location for a modest movement cost.

That's exactly what the Sandworm is.

Dungeon/Underground terrain would be much better if the entire map had to be dungeon/underground. That is, no above ground at all. So that someone could create the Mines of Moria as a map. Some existing map stuff like volcanic and all the water terrain can be used 'as is'. So can roads, ruins, sites, temples and all the walls/arches , cities etc. We'd just need some cavern floors, cavern walls etc.

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Re: Underground terrain, dungeons/caverns etc.

Postby magian » Wed May 21, 2014 5:06 pm

I figured out how this could be done a while ago. I have a thread called "caverns and tunnels"..check it out.

The idea revolves around tunnels (a pair of locations) and caverns (a terrain type). Tunnels are quite simple, entering one tunnel would teleport the unit(s) to the tunnel paired with it (think of them as entrances to a connected tunnel system).

Cavern would be a terrain type. It would be a bit like water. Water is surrounded by coast, caverns would be surrounded by rock walls. No unit could pass through rock walls.

Tunnels could be used alone, as teleporters. Or, they could serve as entrances to cavern complexes placed on map edges, or other areas (where they wouldn't impede movement).

My old thread fleshes out this idea with lots of details, but they aren't really necessary.
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