I wish that ladder games would allow more than one starting city per side.
I observe that many ladder games are boringly decided by very early misfortune, such as losing a strong starting unit or hero against a neutral city, since this leads to a large delay in the expansion. On the other hand, it makes no sense to avoid risky battles either: if a 75% winchance gives me a solid expansion lead, then taking the risk is worth it, as it will win me 75% of all my games overall.
I don't think that rigging the chances any further, as the 90% rule already does, can fix this problem, since as long as risk pays in the long run, player will and should take risks at their own discretion! Deciding whether the risks are worth it are at the core of the game!
I think the solution lies in toning down the impact of such misfortune a little bit.
For example, I think it would be better if everyone starts with 2 scouts and 2 minotaur instead of 1 scouts, 2 light infantry and 1 minotaur. Losing a minotaur is still bad, but just not as devastating. However, altering starting units is difficult and again always prone to chance.
Instead, why not allow map makers to preset up to 5 starting cities per player in a specially marked laddering map setup? If one has already the capability to produce in three places, then the huge impact of failing to capture the second city on turn one by misfortune is somewhat reduced. It is still bad, but no more decides the entire game. Also, if I lose a strong starting unit against a neutral I have more options to proceed: Do I buy strong production in one city? Or cheap production in all my starting cities? Or do I save money for another hero? Pllayers having more choice in spending their starting gold is good. Interesting choices are always good for games (unless the choice is a no-brainer)!
What would be the drawbacks?
Players are free to pick the map and map-setup to their liking. Again, more choice.
Furthermore, since I suggested to introduce a new tick box for each setup within the map settings to determine whether or not preset starting cities are used in ladder mode, all existing ladder maps continue to start with a single city. Only if map maker deliberately updates their map, a setup may have more than one starting city in ladder mode. So it would not break anything. The tick box should also be greyed out, if more than 4 or 5 starting cities are preset.
I am also sure our community is already strong enough to quickly weed out possibly unfair ladder maps due to starting city setup.
To sum up:
My suggestions just adds choice, but does not alter the existing game. All win, no loss!