Being a Warlods II veteran, I was very excited to find this game a short while ago. With full motivation and expectations I started several games. Now I find myself quite disappointed.
Claming to be a highly strategic game, it clearly fulfills the expectations regarding the city, army and map move aspects. Overall a great adaption of warlords with significant improvements. It would be the ultimately fantastic strategy game experience, if there wouldn't be the battle resolution. To be frank, that part of the game is pure crap. I am sure there is a lot of thinking and theory about it. But sometimes that doesn't make things better and the big picture gets lost. And that is what happened here.
I suggest you have a look at the random number gerenator for battle resolution of DOMINIONS. While poor units can still beat much stronger ones, it is much more balanced and will not happen on such a regular basis, that strategic acting is hardly possible in the long run.
Besides the battle resolution, this game is a beautiful jewel. But as for me that part alone undermines the foundation for a solid strategy game. If it will be fixed, I am happy to help bring more players in. But as it is now, I will not continue playing. There is too much more balanced and thus more rewarding gaming experience out there.