Versace wrote:If people are are so allergic to small luck factors ...
No, small luck is fine, the problem is that your suggestion introduces a massively huge luck factor in my opinion as well!
Terrain is an important factor, the defenders of the neighboring neutrals is a factor, the availablity of ruins is a factor (whether I buy an expensive unit or a cheap unit instead, hoping for a second hero). The ability to read the map correctly in the first turn and buying production accordingly is a big factor.
However, I do like the direction your suggestion was aiming. I don't like it that so much is decided in the very first turn alone. So I agree with magian here:
magian wrote:I do (sort of) like this idea, but ...
You can set capitol production if you make a scenario map. I don't think scenarios can be ladder maps though..which is unfortunate IMO. I'm not sure why the distinction between scenario and regular map was deemed necessary.
I don't like this separation between ladder and scenario either: it robs the game of so many good ideas! If a scenario map is deemed to be fair and ladder-able by several top-ladder players, then why not add it to the ladder pool? Maybe we should have a ladder-council.
I think the impact of the first turn could be somewhat reduced if map creators could also allow 3 pre-owned cities in ladder maps, as they are already allowed in scenario maps. Some of them (but not all) could then have pre-set or random production.