We have gotten soundly beaten anyway, but in this team game about to end, we are second team to play our turn.
Enemy captured last city of one our players, preventing our player from doing his turn, because he just died.
I wish we would get to do our turn after losing last castle, if playing our turn after opponents.
If you dont capture a castle during your turn, you are out.
It just seems like a very cheep way of killing enemy hero armies, taking that last castle, and unfair because enemy got to make one extra turn to do it.
In this game I am talking about, it was just a paladin with some krakens a few steps away from a neutral city, but it could have been 3 super-good full hero armies, and they would still have died before getting the chance to do their turn, and potentially turn the whole game around.
Every player should get their chance to do their turn in team games, and play the same number of turns!