create game

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create game

Postby zorro » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:33 am

Is it possible to autodelete the zero players games from the 'create/join game' page after, lets say, 30 minutes? Its pretty annoying when you look for games.

Also I think its really hard for a new visitor to find out what this game/site is really about, its not clear to most that it actually is a pure multiplayer tbs platform where you often play only one turn within a couple of days. As it is actually new potential players come, see there is nothing going on or dont make it through the game creation (there is that checkbox 'ready' which most dont get), then leave in frustration.
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Re: create game

Postby piranha » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:02 pm

We have found that many new players wont create a game of their own so if there are no games they usually just leave. I often create a game and then leave it when I see 0 open games so that new players have a better chance to try the game.

I know that its a pretty big problem that it takes so much time from visiting our site for the first time until you are playing. This makes a lot of people just leave because they lose interest before its their turn.

Any suggestions and ideas in this department are very welcome. We have marketing ideas and increasing the number of players should help some.
I've been comparing this game to MMO games where you can jump right into something. Obviously you cant jump right into a game here. But it would have been good if it was possible to experience the fun when you find the site and not after patiently waiting 5 days for a game to start and turn to progress until its your turn.
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Re: create game

Postby zorro » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:10 pm

just some quick ideas:

- Link to test game from mainpage (alternative: 2 minutes game movie, units moving, battle etc.)
- Upgrade Warpedia and link to it already from the mainpage
- Offer a lot more small maps for faster games
- Give players badges for certain achievements (medals)
- Let new players have the first move in games they create or join
- Mark new players somehow, so the core of the community can help by joining their games
- Give players ranks according to games they played/won, new players want to achieve those ranks (see badges)
- Rename speed games into hot seat
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Re: create game

Postby LPhillips » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:21 pm

1. Test game is linked from the main page before you register. A movie or short tutorial showing how the game is played would be fun, and you might suck people in if you gave them a hero and a dragon and let them rampage on some neutral armies. You could teach them about terrain bonuses and so forth in the process.

2. Making Warpedia more accessible would be nice. You could give KGB or some other dedicated player(s) the ability to work on it.

3. Small maps for 2 players would be great. I might try my hand at mapmaking soon :)
However, smaller maps won't make for faster games. The size of the map and unit movement speed are not the holdup; it's the time in which turns are completed. Smaller maps just make the game less balanced as players are too close to each other at the start. The real holdup is when you get a player like Razurandal who stops playing for 3 days in the middle of 20+ games without a word.

4. Achievements/badges are really hokey and overdone. But, they might work. I would prefer your "Ranks" idea, based on Ladder games.

5. Great idea. New players should get first move so they can experience the game.

6. Allowing players to be known as new if they want could be nice, but it depends on the response of the community. Banning them from Ladder games until they win at least 5 would be nice so we don't have people that join and quit during Ladder games.

7. Ranks should be visible soon enough thanks to Ladder games.

8. The term "hot seat" has a meaning, and this is not it. That would be if you played from one computer/chair by taking turns.
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Re: create game

Postby zorro » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:20 am

3. Small Maps play faster in the sense of less players (so starting faster and getting more often to play) - and the perspective of not having to manage 100s of units as a first experience. Also they are urgently required to keep 2-player fun up.
7. It could be simlar to hot seat, and thats a term older players know and often associate with positive events. This kind of game definitely attracts older players more. I am not here since that long but I find 'speed game' and 'warlords tbs kind of game' somehow contradicting. If you care about the exact meaning of 'hot seat' you will also find that 'speed game' doesnt really hit the point either. As long as I am here I have only seen speed games offered, but never seen one fill up and actually happen.
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Re: create game

Postby kenc80 » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:31 pm

i played the test game and its great. I agree with the idea of giving the hero a few dragons to rampage with. Make the castle furthest away from the test home castle stacked with a few good units so they get a feel for the fun.

As for marketing...why not make a facebook page where you can "like" warbarons and link to the site?
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Re: create game

Postby kenc80 » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:32 pm

ok nevermind my facebook idea... i just found the facebook page lol
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Re: create game

Postby piranha » Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:20 pm

We are going to add some facebook stuff in beta4. There is already a facebook page and I will create a facebook group too, not sure what the difference is.
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