by LPhillips » Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:42 pm
Absolutely agreed 100%. I'd prefer if units were assigned an actual number/order in a list and could then be cycled through in order. In fact, I even have an idea about how to do it.
1) All of your units are numbered according to the time they were created. A list is created at the beginning of your turn when new units are given, and units are removed when they die in battle (just removed; the list does not need to be changed or otherwise updated).
2) A group is placed in the list by the lowest-numbered unit in the stack. (it can't go by the unit on top, or arranging battle order will require recalculation and mess up your "next unit" feature as well). So when you get to #3, stacked with 5 other units, and move it, the game skips over it when all other 5 units' numbers come up. They're not on the list.
3) The game (probably browser-side) remembers where you are in the order (say, #38), and updates the list any time you stack/unstack units, and after each battle. It only needs to update the units you are manipulating and remove/reinsert them into the existing list, so it's not a major calculation and won't create delays. When you hit next, even if you have unit # 2 selected, you go to the next unit from where you were: the lowest number after #38. Of course when you reach the end of the list it wraps around again.
Let me know if this requires clarification. It should solve current inconveniences with the "next unit" feature.