My little wishlist:
1. a way to know how many turns a unit or stack will take to reach a destination. Graphically it could be like this (red numbers mean you'll reach that square in 1 turn, 2 turns etc.; in the image numbers aren't placed in the right square, it's just to show it):
2. a cave/underground terrain type (not impassable, move cost 4-6). Dwarves could have a terrain bonus there instead of in hills, so spiders or other units. I made some graphics (obviously amateurish )
3. cap system: I proposed a cap system with max positive stack bonus +25, max negative stack bonus -5 (fear+chaos max 5 negative bonus, unless chaos is >5, that is only with high-level DK you would get a negative stack bonus > 5). It could be modified to allow negative stack bonus for kraken or other high fear units (if fear > 5 and <=10 and fear>chaos, then fear > 5 could be used).
This was the post:
4. units rebalancing:
- 1 turn units: orcs/elves terrain bonus reduced to 5, pikemen's to 10
- 2-turns units: less expensive (except yeti)
- critical 100% (or 90%) for medusa
- 3HP for Sandworm/Elemental
- Gryphons: 35+10 in town and less expensive, or 30+10 and 3HP
- Demons/Unicorns: built in 3 turns
- Devil/Grand Archon: built in 5 turns
- Spiders: some kind of rework (maybe with poison) or lesser cost
- Red Dragon/Devil/Grand Archon: more expensive (ideally removed from neutral towns or with extra defenses)
5. some form of poison. My idea was:
On first hit, -5 strength, on second hit death (so a poisonous creature could kill a 3HP unit in 2 hits, if it can land 2 hits to the same unit). Even better would be if the strength loss were permanent, and the lost HPs couldn't be recovered. If lost HPs are recovered between battles and the strength loss is permanent, it could be poisoned in another fight and lose more strength. It would be a bit like critical strike, less powerful (unit must actually hit, death only on 2nd hit) but it would work against all units in the opponent stack, not only once.
(thread was here)
6. Other ideas:
- "Field Vision" hero skill: decreases the value of the battle outcome for which battle is always won (every 10 points 5 points reduction, 90%->85%->80%->75%)
- Possibility to give some 1-turn units (more powerful ones better not) to an ally
- Possibility to disable certain kinds of production for each town in the map editor (for themed maps)