
Anything related to creating maps goes here


Postby magian » Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:43 pm

I've been messing around with the map editor, and I have a few minor quibbles.

The deep water looks great on the main map, but looks too dark on the mini map. I would lighten it up a notch or two, so it isn't quite as eyeball wrenching.

Placing swamp next to water puts an annoying sandy beach between them. This isn't how swamps work. The swamp should blend into the water.

You can't create a three (or four) way junction with ridges, it just ends up looking glitchy if you try.

Hills don't blend into mountains at all. I think they could look a little more natural and still be quite obviously hills. The hills are also an odd color and don't mesh well with the open terrain.
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Re: Quibbles

Postby piranha » Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:50 am

1. Agree, will change it by B5.

2. Agree there are several things with the way the terrain looks that could be improved unfortunately we can't afford spending the extra money to have him rework it at the moment. This will have to do for a while.

3. I have noticed that some ridge endings are currently wrong, something I intend to fix by B5. Haven't thought about a junction. Should be possible.

4. Same as #2, color could be changed but I think if we want to make any real difference we would have to do more than just change the hue of the hills which is out of budget for now.
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