Varying map setups

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Varying map setups

Postby LPhillips » Wed May 09, 2012 2:02 am

Hi Snotling,

First I want to thank you for implementing the feature where we control map spawns! This is really great. I have to report a bug tho, and some things that could be improved too.

First the bug: If I select the "Not Used" feature, the game discards it and replaces it with "Random Team" no matter what I do. Can you fix that? It's impossible to set 2v2 so that the extra spawns are not used.

Improvements: I want to set multiple options for some game types. For 4v4 on Crescendo, I want a top vs bottom, ends vs mid, and the awesome 4x 1v1 setup like we had in the test. If possible, I'd also implement a setup that looks like this:

Right now, it's only possible to make one setup per game type. It would be nice if that could be different. I don't know if anything needs to change in the game lobby to reflect multiple setups like that. I assume you could implement an "add" or "delete" feature in the Map Settings area, so that if you're on 2v2 and select "Add" it will make a new blank 2v2 in addition to the other one. Delete would remove the current one, or if it's easier for you then it could just be a "Reset" button for the settings. I assume selection in the lobby would be random to prevent confusion.
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Re: Varying map setups

Postby KGB » Wed May 09, 2012 4:47 am

I second the request for multiple selections of the same teams/players.

On a map with 8 spawns like Bullrun it would be nice to set up multiple 2v2 starts or 1v1 starts instead of having just 1 of them.

I fine if the game just randomly selects one if there are multiple 1v1 setups. I don't see the need to select a specific one at this time.

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Re: Varying map setups

Postby SnotlinG » Wed May 09, 2012 11:12 am

Its nice to hear you like it. It was a bit of a pain to get working :-)

Bug has been fixed. It was actually only a displaybug in the mapeditor, but now it shows "Not used" for those that are not used correctly.

As for several diffrent starting options for the same setups I think this is something we can look into, but it is not highest priority atm since we would need to update the whole chain from mapeditor -> finalize map process -> gamelobby for this. So Im afraid it will have to wait a little longer.
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