New Terrain Types and More

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New Terrain Types and More

Postby Tim » Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:05 pm


it would be great if there are new Terrain Tiles.
I miss:

- 1 Tile Lake
- 2 Tile Lake

It would be great when you can give
- Names to Ressource Buildings, Towers and Watchtowers
to give the Map a more Deep Feeling of the the World you play in... ;)

And a Place where you can make a Description to every Building or only City where you can Write something to that Location...

It think it would be cool if there are Fortresses. A Building between Citys and Towers. I think that a Fortess can have 1 Tiles Space as a Tower but can Contain 16 Units. It would be great to have this for special Locations like Helms Deep from Middle-Earth.

Would be great if you can choose that you cant pass before you searched the Ruin. So you can use it as a Passage through Mountains as a Cave for Example...

Thats it


Sorry for posting here. I think its more Wish List... Move? ;)
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Re: New Terrain Types and More

Postby KGB » Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:38 pm

I don't understand #1. Why do we need 2 lake tiles? We already have 3 different water type tiles plus a river tile. So what would a lake tile be?

#2 - Yes please.

#3 - This would break all the rules regarding 8 units on a single square so I am not sure this would be a good idea.

#4 - You can sort of do this now by placing up to 8 neutral armies on top of the ruin.

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Re: New Terrain Types and More

Postby Tim » Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:09 pm

Hey KGB... let me Explain...

Yes we have 2 water Tiles and River Tiles...but Water-Tiles are minimum 4 Tiles. I want a 1 Tile. Ok i can take the River Tile...thats right but its not a Lake. It dont show like a Lake. It would be great if the River Tiles would be extended by a Lake-Tile...


Yes maybe its Rule ony an Idea. ;)

Ok thats a Way that Works...thanks for the hint! :) Done.
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Re: New Terrain Types and More

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Nov 05, 2014 5:29 pm

New terrain is quite a hassle to add, so I dont think we will be able to add a Sea-tile in the nearest future. Will keep it in mind though.

2. I´ll add this to my todo-list, maybe I can add this later on when Im done with the tournament stuff... :-)
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