Ladder season 3 ended

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Ladder season 3 ended

Postby piranha » Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:08 am

Ladder season 3 ended with 42 ladder games that passed 15 turns and counted towards season 3.

Normally all the winners have received a message about their win but that mail wasn't sent this time. We will take a look to see why, but all ladder points and credits to the winners worked.

Razurandal who was third in season two won the 1on1 ladder after being behind Igor for most of the season. Early in this season Igor was far ahead of the other 1on1 players. Igor got the second spot this time and AngryOgre in the same team as Razurandal got the third spot.
Argammon who was second last season got the fourth spot.

On the FFA side Igor took the #1. Lawlord took the second spot and Razurandal the third spot.

Milan took the first place on the team ladder with SatanicLan and Razurandal doing most of the hard work. TND past us and took the second place with our team Warbarons getting the third spot this time.

The winners have been credited 3000 credits for #1, 2000 for #2 and 1000 for #3 and all the members of the winning teams got 1500, 1000, 500 credits each.

New season is started and will end in April 2013 in about 4 months.

We have some improvements to add to the end calculations for next season. One of them being that the number of turns that makes the game count to current or next ladder season will be controlled by the K value. There were some big 8 player FFAs that were far from over but had passed 15 turns and were ended.

On a side note.
We are still fixing bugs discovered with the 0.9 launch. I'm planing to get the matchmaking working next week and activate it.
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Postby Igor » Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:36 pm

Let me to congrat all players with ending of season 3 and starting of season 4 and to wish good luck in games!
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Re: Ladder season 3 ended

Postby Chazar » Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:58 pm

It is really frustrating that many good and undecided games of mine were killed today. With 3 days a turn, the best that I manage, it does not seem to make much sense to continue team ladder play. :(

Please consider to give players an option to continue games as non-ladder games at seasons end, after counting them as you do now.
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Re: Ladder season 3 ended

Postby Experix » Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:18 pm

I hope this 15 days limit would be widely extended in longer games or better removed. The most games I play start to be really interesting at that moment. I also had some very interesting games in progress which were abruptly ended :-(

I didn't study much how the games are exactly decided, because I am interested in playing them and not in converting them into points. But it seems the main factor is the number of cities which players currently hold.
If the game is about equal, the "leading player" who has 2 or 3 cities more than the other one often changes with each turn. I don't like much if the games are decided by actions which are pointless or even wrong in the long-term of view (if the game would continue normally), such as taking several cities which the player can't possibly hold and then let the time flow in order that his opponent can't move (especially if he is going to take that cities back and get some other from you as well). Also, if you are going first, you would get the points for the units born in that turn, but your opponent wouldn't...

Since a lot of games were ended in the same time, it seems there is no possibility to get to after-game stats of some games. And actually, I don't even know who was counted as winner in them :-)

To the K-values - wouldn't it be possible to transfer them from the previous versions of maps? All 0.9 maps have now default K-value based on their size, although they were usually only minor changes from previous versions where a lots of games were already played...

It seems that +4 days are still added to the time for every turn, shouldn't this been removed?
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Re: Ladder season 3 ended

Postby Experix » Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:32 pm

And if the game could be continued as melee, it would be interesting to see how often would the game have the same winner as it was computed by the point system :-)
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Postby AtomicDustmen » Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:23 pm

I agree with Experix on these points. I would like to see the stats from some of the games that were completed, but I cannot as the history does not show that many. Some games should also be extended to more then 15 turns as they were hardly even close to being finished and declaring a winner for these games is a bit unfair...
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Re: Ladder season 3 ended

Postby SnotlinG » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:26 am

Experix wrote:It seems that +4 days are still added to the time for every turn, shouldn't this been removed?

Extra time has been disabled as from today.
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Re: Ladder season 3 ended

Postby Chazar » Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:33 am

Games where the points are close should not be ended at all! (e.g. point difference is not greater than 33% of point sum)

What is the reason for ending games at the end of the season anyway? To prevent the loosing side to delay a game to the next season? Well, this only applies to clear cut games, where there is a considerable point margin between players, doesn't it? So a lot of frustration is caused for very little gain (only the clear cut games prevented from being counted a season later).

Why do you discourage playing warbarons? For a player like me, who only manages 3 day turn limits, there is little reason to start a team ladder game in any month besides the first one of each season, which limits my play even further - and still I am frustrated at season's end.
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Re: Ladder season 3 ended

Postby SnotlinG » Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:24 pm

Thanks for all feedback.
Yes we will rework the system until next season-end, there is (as you guys have pointed out) room for a lot of improvement.
Keep the ideas coming on how we can improve the system :-)

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