Season 17 is completed!

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Season 17 is completed!

Postby piranha » Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:00 pm

Ladder season 17 is completed and the next season is started.

Congratulations to all the winners!
Prizes have been awarded.
Here are the results:

Player Prize

1 vs 1
Vicotnic 3000 Credits
Igor 1500 Credits
smursh 500 Credits

Free For All
razurandal 3000 Credits
Seraad 1500 Credits
Art 500 Credits

Team players
razurandal 3000 Credits
Chazar 1500 Credits
Voshi 500 Credits

Teams (prize to all members)
Hadesha Natives 1500 Credits
Fejak 1000 Credits
WarBarons 500 Credits
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Re: Season 17 is completed!

Postby smursh » Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:21 pm

Congrats to the champs!
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Re: Season 17 is completed!

Postby Chazar » Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:17 am

Congrats to razurandal for taking 1st place in three different categories at once! :o

If I counted correctly, then this is only the third time that such a feat has been achieved (once by Igor in Season 2, who achieved 1st place in all four category, and once by tabanli in Season 5).
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Re: Season 17 is completed!

Postby Igor » Fri Sep 01, 2017 7:38 am

This ended season has become the first one when KGB's idea about kingmakers was fully realised. We have a kingmaker, his name is Darkh.
This player surrendered 2 games for Vicontic at the and of last day of the season, that gave Vicontic 2x22 ladder points, enough to win. As far as Darkh surrendered the game for Smursh in the beginning of 1st day of new season, this show that those two games were surrendered specially before the end of last season to make Vicontic the winner.
KGB's theory gets practice.
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Re: Season 17 is completed!

Postby smursh » Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:16 pm

unlikely. Dark was delaying games against me to try and get third spot. Games probably went off on 70% rule. And since you used all but one of your aways to delay a loss against me you can hardly complain about players manipulating end of season to try and win a championship.
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Re: Season 17 is completed!

Postby smursh » Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:26 pm

I also see Solo surrenders game to Igor on last day of ladder season then Igor surrenders two games to solo on start of new season. Explain how this is different Igor.
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Re: Season 17 is completed!

Postby Igor » Sat Sep 02, 2017 7:41 am

smursh wrote:I also see Solo surrenders game to Igor on last day of ladder season then Igor surrenders two games to solo on start of new season. Explain how this is different Igor.

No problem Smursh.
I looked for a lot of players to play Real-time games in the last day of the season, and Solo acepted my challenge. Sad to say that other players wasn't ready for Real-time mode in these some hours I offered this. Overwise I coud take the title.
In the beginning of new season I had kept a row of 1v1 games which were still going and where, very probably, my opponents were going to win. I'm not interested in 1v1 champion rush this season thus I'm not interested to pay a lot of attention in trying to save these games.
These are 5 games where I didn't show my best playing, because of being very busy or because of awful dice which covered all my games for a week or so. Two of these games vs Solo, one vs Smursh and 2 vs Vicontic. I decided to stop all these games in the begining of new season. I think it can help me to get maximum in last season and doesn't matter for me in current season.
I have now left only 3 of 5 because don't wish to see "-4 Cold" in the ladder even for some days. I will win a game in some time and then will leave the last 2 of these 5.
Is this explonation full enough for you Smursh, or you need more details?
At my look this was seen easily without a question.

Let me note Smursh that you was seen in collusion with Whitelord in Season 11, when this triky player asked you and Gil to play a row of games whith him in last days of that season to help him to get better result. This was condemned then and game results were annuled.
To get 1st plase with tricky method is not best thing, this spoils image of the game.
One can help a frend in team games where this is normal thing. Helping to win in 1v1 or FFA ladder is called collusion, it is outside of fairplay. It brakes honor of participants of this.
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Re: Season 17 is completed!

Postby Igor » Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:11 am

smursh wrote:unlikely. Dark was delaying games against me to try and get third spot. Games probably went off on 70% rule. And since you used all but one of your aways to delay a loss against me you can hardly complain about players manipulating end of season to try and win a championship.

To delay own games is normal practice for the game. This, probably, first time was used by Scandinavia team at the end of 2nd season where they send us a challenge an then, when we were going to win, they delayed the game in trying to keep 1st place. Then other players used the delaying many times in many seasons. This is inside morale level of the game. Is this bad or good, that is separate question, but this is a usual thing.

If Darkh cared to get higher plase he wouldn't surrender 2 games for Vicontic in the last day of the season where he lost 2x11 ladder points. He would get 3rd plase then.
Thus this looks like help to Vicontic to win, even with breacking own 3rd place. KGB in his theory called this kingmakings. Now it's fully realised. Kingmaker "Darkh 1st". Not good at my look, out of fairplay.
To help ownself to win using all legal abilities is normal thing. To help to an other to win is collusion.
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Re: Season 17 is completed!

Postby smursh » Sat Sep 02, 2017 11:17 am

Igor, Whitelord asked us to play games quickly so they would finish during that season, and I did not play any of those games with him in any case. No different than asking to play a real time game because you want a fast game to count on that season. Your upset you did not get championship but dark lost games on 70^ rule that he probably was delaying but not using extra time. You delayed a game with extra time that I would win on 70% in 1 more turn, used over 20 aways to do so. Don't blame solo if you asked him to do 3 real time games and he couldn't finish two. If anything asking him to play three games on last day of ladder just so you could win should be considered collusion. It is just as bad as what you say whitelord did and in any case I was not playing any of those games vs whitelord so saying I was colluding with him is just making an accusation without anything to back that up.
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Re: Season 17 is completed!

Postby Igor » Sat Sep 02, 2017 11:47 am

I dont care too much on 2nd place, my number of titles, over than 5, lets me feel good even if being out of top 15 this season or another one or two-three.

Smursh you say like you are deep in darknes without knowledge.
1. I didnt ask Solo play 3 Real-time games but only one, which was finished 31st of August. Other two games, which are surrendered 1st of September, were Normal mode and were started 2-3 weeks ago.
2. Darkh didnt lost 2 games to Vicontin with 70% rule. He surrendered these games manually some hours before the end of the season.
I dont know Smursh why do you write all these wrong things. You look deep in mistake with them.

These 2 surrendered games looks, in fact, not randomly ended 31st of August. If so it is named kingmaking made by Darkh for Vicontic.
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