Just a small update
We have done quite a lot of progress this weekend. Even tried out our first speedgame using FOW. We hit a bunch of bugs and issues of course, but have worked through most of them now.
Piranha spent quite some time working on temple and ruins, and we now have the basic temple and ruin functionality in place, with auto-popups when an army visits a temple, or when a hero visits a ruin.
Also new images for battles taking place in this terrain (terrain bonus for fighting is the normal City bonus)
Also added basic description popups for when you click on a temple/ruin, so you can see what it is good for/decide if it is dangerous.
I have done some updates to the history entries and winner-popups/emails due to the fact that players can now play "undercover". In the end, the real name is always revealed
Fixed a bug when battle in a razed city (we have a lot of new bugs due to the new db/game structure, a bit painful, but in the end Im quite sure it will be worth it
Also fixed the bug with the calculated number of cities and city income when you have razed cities. It should now display correctly.
Fixed a bug with the path when ending a move in the fog.
Fixed some wrong Z-index which caused the armies to stand behind the road
Added ruins to FOW, i.e. if you have spotted an Explored ruin, your client will remember in future turns that this ruin is Explored, even if you dont have view there. Onmouse over terrain desc is changed depending on if it is Explored or not.
Next I think I will start looking at the update of the fightorder, put the last parts of functionality to patroling mode, and fix the win-condition check to work with the gamesettings...