Move All Bugs

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Move All Bugs

Postby KGB » Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:04 pm

Some bugs I've noticed when using the 'Move All' button:

1) While the move all is in progress if any pop-up menu gets displayed (any bless, any battle etc) the move all sequence quits and doesn't finish moving all the rest of the armies once the pop-up menu is canceled. This means the player must hit Move All repeatedly if any pop-up occurs. Can the sequence auto-resume when pop-up menu gets removed (this can mean multiple menus if a battle leads to the city capture screen and the hero level up all in a row)?

2) While the move all is in progress any fog of war armies uncovered doesn't seem to stop the army move sequence for that stack as it does in normal movement. At least it didn't appear to do so for me. It should stop the move just as it does for a normal move.

3) This one is not related to Move All but now affects it in an important way. If you are out of moves in a stack and you plot a new move sequence the sequence is shown. But on the next turn the Move All won't move the armies. That's because the movement path is lost because the game isn't saving paths that have not started yet (this has been reported many times before). It's important to be able to plot new sequences for armies that are out of moves so that on the next turn the Move All will move the units.

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Re: Move All Bugs

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:48 am

This is how it currently works yes. Maybe I could evolve the functionality to work as you describe. Will see when I get time for this :-)

It should stop as per normal move-rules when discovering enemies in FOW etc. If not, please report to me and Ill investigate it as it is then a bug.

This functionality has been changed, and now the game does save all new paths setup for armies (as well as new groups/ungroups). However you must let the game save the updates before you leave the page. If you hit endturn this is done automatically (you probably see some popup flash by "Saving unit updates x/x" etc), or if you try to navigate from the page, you should get an alert box telling you to stay on the page so the game can save the updates before you leave the page. All updates will ofcourse be saved automatically, but if you are quick to plot a path and then leave the page it can be lost if you ignore this alert-box telling you to stay on the page.
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Re: Move All Bugs

Postby KGB » Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:35 pm


I will confirm #2.

As for #3, it definitely doesn't save those paths. I deliberately set new paths for several stacks that had 0 or 1 moves left. After doing that I did other things (adjust production, move units etc). The following turn when I hit the 'Move All' button those stacks did not move at all. When I clicked on them they showed no move path. I can construct test cases for you if needed.

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Re: Move All Bugs

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:00 pm

KGB wrote:SnotlinG,

I will confirm #2.

As for #3, it definitely doesn't save those paths. I deliberately set new paths for several stacks that had 0 or 1 moves left. After doing that I did other things (adjust production, move units etc). The following turn when I hit the 'Move All' button those stacks did not move at all. When I clicked on them they showed no move path. I can construct test cases for you if needed.


If possible please construct some test case where I can reproduce this, as it defintely shouldnt behave like that, and during my own (limited) testing, it was saving new paths even if the stack wasnt moved at all during the turn...
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Re: Move All Bugs

Postby KGB » Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:18 am


I played a 1v1 test game tonight against the AI. I was not able to reproduce any of the missing path problems that I experienced despite trying the same kinds of things.

In fact I saw the pop-up indicating the game was saving the Path information at the end of my turn before beginning the AI turn. I definitely do not recall seeing that a few days ago when I first reported this problem. Maybe you changed something in that time frame? The other difference was that the other game I saw the problem in had 2 AI opponent lefts and I was not player 1 (I killed the the other human player) but I doubt that caused it.

So for now consider #3 to have auto-magically fixed itself. If I do see a problem again I'll let you know.


P.S. #2 is definitely working correctly and the stacks are stopping. Once again it appears to have auto-magically fixed itself in the last couple of days.
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Re: Move All Bugs

Postby SnotlinG » Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:11 am

I havent done anything on these problems the last days, so its nice with some magic! :-)
The auto-path-save is only working for version 0.9 games though :-)
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Re: Move All Bugs

Postby KGB » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:45 pm

Two New Move All bug I just noticed.

1) I click the Move All button to begin the move process. It gets interrupted (unit blesses, combat, enemy spotted etc) before everything finishes moving. If I then set a new path for the unit that stopped and click just the 'move' button for that stack, it moves but then the entire move all sequence begins again as if I pressed the Move All button instead. This is definitely something that is unexpected.

2) Not sure if this is related. But in the same game (35282) Darklords60) I've been using the Move All button for the past 15 or so turns to speed up the end of the game to kill the final AI. Right now all those Move All's have screwed up the game somehow. Go into the game and immediately hit 'Move All'. You'll see the game start to move some units then reach an 'out of sync error' after a battle. This battle has already been fought earlier in the turn. Each time you enter the game and hit Move All you get the same issue. At the same time look in the S/W corner of the map. I have a stack led by an Archon next to a gold site with a item on it. Try to attack it and you'll get a 'Target has moved, are you sure you still want to move there' message. Never seen that before and I am unable to ever move there. Right above that stack is a city. Try to move to the Rams from the upper right to the upper left corner of the city and I will attack myself in my own city (you can see I already did this in the battle report, KGB attacking KGB!). I believe the game got screwed up about 8 turns ago when I tried to move a lot of units into that city where I attack myself. I ended up moving 2-3 stacks to the same square in the city during the Move All sequence. I think what happened is what used to happen when the AI would get more than 8 units in 1 square. Ever since then that spot in that city is screwed up and so is that gold site and it's getting worse every turn now.

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Re: Move All Bugs

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:26 am

I will investigate these two new issues.
Can I use your game for testing/replicate your issues?
If so, please dont do any turn/actions there for a bit...
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Re: Move All Bugs

Postby KGB » Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:19 pm


The game is all yours. It's only 1 AI left so take as long as you want.

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Re: Move All Bugs

Postby SnotlinG » Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:28 pm

1) Bug fixed

2a) Bug fixed with the battledisplay after outofsync. Also improved the code slightly to ignore stacks that cant afford their first step, so you dont need to rotate past them.

2b) Fixed "Target has moved" error. This is a special check made that is actually only needed for realtime games, in case your opponent has moved some units in/out of the tile you are trying to move too/attack -and before your client has had time to sync this new data from the server. So that you wont make a move and be surprised by the number of defenders for example. Quite rarely used though :-)

2c) Found an invisible/corrupt entry for an army on that top left corner of Kortol city. Looks like it might be connected to an hero offer to you on turn 40 (which was at that location). Do you remember if anything strange happened with this hero offer?

You can take back the game again now. Let me know of any new strange issues there :-)

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