More Victory Conditions

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More Victory Conditions

Postby KGB » Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:25 pm

The scenario editor thread got me thinking some other game options I'd like to have.

Right now the only victory condition is eliminating all opponents (owning 100% of cities or 75% or whatever percentage it's the same condition).

DLR had several other cool victory condition / game options. Each victory condition is evaluated at the *start* of your turn, not during.

Victory Conditions
1) Capture the Flag - Each side starts with a flag item (similar to the standard in W2 but had a better bonus than +1 command so flags were very powerful in addition to being valuable) carried by the hero. As the name suggests, you win the game by collecting all the flags regardless of how many opponents/cities remain.
2) Fortress - Each sides capitol was specially marked on the map. You win the game by owning all the capitol cities (you must rebuild razed ones so you have to own them in a non-razed state) regardless of how many opponents/cities remain.
3) King of the Hill - The central most city on the map is specially marked and named Utopia (and was loaded with 16-20 neutral armies). You win the game by owning this city for 10 consecutive turns. If you lose control before 10 turns is up, you have to recapture and start the 10 turn count again. So once someone takes that city all the other players in effect have to put aside their squabbles to evict the player who took Utopia which means lots of interesting diplomacy/temporary alliances.
4) Against the Horde - One player starts at the top (or bottom) of the map with lots of armies/gold/3-4 cities. All the other player(s) are allied together and start at the other end of the map with a normal start (1 city, 1 hero, 3 armies etc). You win by either conquering the horde player or if the horde player conquers all his opponents.

Game Options
1) Battle of the Titans - Each side starts with a L10 hero instead of L1.

The Battle of the Titan game option could be combined with any of the victory conditions. So you could play a Capture the Flag game and start with L1 heroes or play a Battle of the Titans/Capture the Flag game and start with a L10 hero.

In addition, games could be played as individuals or in team play. So in a team game of Fortress, the first team to own all the other teams capitols wins.

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