Combat on Ports

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Combat on Ports

Postby Tim » Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:46 pm

We discussed the Combat on Ports in the Bug Forum a little:
I have a Ideas for that. There are many disadvantages for Tropps attacking from land to a port. Thats ok so far but I think some units must gain no loss to the Battlevalue.

There are:

I think this units have a Range Attack and so there could be no loss for them by attacking ports.
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Re: Combat on Ports

Postby KGB » Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:07 pm

I think it has to be fixed for all units going from land to port. Otherwise it's just too confusing that some units suffer and some don't. Plus those units you mention don't get that bonus anywhere else on the water so why should they get it only when attacking ports. It's an example of adding complexity for no reason.

The idea is to remove the huge disadvantage to the player on land who basically gets screwed with nothing he can do. Ports are supposed to be just for allowing units to go from water to land. Not a place where one side gets majorly screwed over in combat.

The most fair solution is to allow the attacker to select boats BEFORE combat occurs. That would make ports function like every other water square and would not require special rules for some units or a wiki page entry on the dangers of attacking on a port (that no one ever reads) etc.

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Re: Combat on Ports

Postby Chazar » Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:50 am

Another consistent solution could be that the anti air bonus also applies against units in boats. Rename "anti-air" to "ranged" and let it apply to both flyers and boats (but not sea creatures).

However, KGBs suggestion is certainly cleaner, but I dislike that ports cannot be blocked then. So if the attacker may choose boats beforehand, I would then vote for ports receiving +5 wall bonus (just like temples and ruins). That seems a fair compromise and does not require anything that isn't in the game already.
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Re: Combat on Ports

Postby KGB » Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:57 pm


I like the idea of Anti-Air changed to ranged and being useful against boats too. That would improve the value of AA and the Ranger hero.

I also think the idea of a +5 bonus for defending a port is a fair compromise is reasonably consistent with other structures (I would like to see gold sites get some kind of bonus too then).

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