Incorrect Bonus's

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Incorrect Bonus's

Postby KGB » Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:05 am

In my Duel game on turn 28, I attacked an enemy hero stack in the open:

His stack: 4 Hv Cavalry, 1 Devil, 1 Hero
My Stack: 4 Hv Cavalry, 2 Giants, 1 Devil, 1 Archon

I lost this battle when I expected to win it. At first I thought it was bad dice. But on the replay, I saw all his units were +2 strength (7 strength Cavalry, 9 strength Devil) instead of 5 and 7 as mine were. The only explanation I can come up with is that his Devil negated my Archons hero Negation power.

That's not right as the Devil isn't meant to negate that skill or the Catapult/Battering Ram wall negation.

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Re: Incorrect Bonus's

Postby KGB » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:36 am

In my game Doornob turn 23, I attacked an enemy hero stack in the open:

His stack: 5 Lt Cavalry, 2 Archons, 1 Hero
My Stack: 5 Lt Cavalry, 1 Wolfrider, 1 Giant, 1 Medusa

I won this battle easier than I expected as I did not expect to win and had another stack prepared to finish off what remained. On the replay, I saw all his Lt Cavalry units were strength 3, his archon strength 7 and his hero strength 7.

That's not right as the Lt Cavalry should have been 4 (as mine were) based on +1 in the open, -1 from the Medusa and at least +1 from the hero. The fact the hero itself had 7 strength means it must have been at least L5 if not higher. In that case his hero bonus should have been +2 and his Lt Cavalry should have been 5's, not 3's. It appears the Medusa negation is negating too much or the Archon is literally negating all hero bonus's including your own :D .

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Re: Incorrect Bonus's

Postby KGB » Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:06 pm

I attacked some scouts with a stack that had a Medusa in it.

On the replay I saw all the scouts were reduced to 0 strength making it impossible for them to get a hit. The minimum strength a unit can be reduced to is 1 so that it at least has some chance of getting a hit.

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Re: Incorrect Bonus's

Postby KGB » Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:38 pm

I was attacked on a road square in the middle of a forest.

My stack consisted of Lt Cavalry, Hv Cavalry and an Elephant. My opponents stack had neither a Unicorn or Devil.

When I checked the combat replay it showed me fighting at 3 strength for the Lt Cavalry, 5 for the Hv Cavalry and 6 for the Elephant.

So I wasn't getting my Open terrain bonus or my +2 open stack bonus from the Elephant.

A road square is *always* an open square regardless of whether its on the plain, forest, hills, swamp, mountains or bridge etc.

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Re: Incorrect Bonus's

Postby SnotlinG » Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:36 am

Hmm, our belief is/was that roads in diffrent terrains did coiunt as beeing of that terraintype, even though the movecost is 1. Im pretty sure this is how it works in w2dl. Anyway i think thats pretty good, it makes the other terrainbonuses used a little more. So its actually by design :-)
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Re: Incorrect Bonus's

Postby KGB » Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:08 pm


SnotlinG wrote: So its actually by design :-)

Cool. Thanks for the explanation. Of course you could make it so that multiple terrain bonuses applied in such squares (DLR did this). For example a road moving through a forest could allow both the open and forest terrain bonuses in combat.

It would be very handy in the Warpedia to show an example of every tile and then mention exactly what terrain type it was considered for combat and movement. That would help players know before getting into a battle and seeing unexpected results. It would be even better if it were possible to click (right) on any square on the map and see the combat terrain being used.

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Re: Incorrect Bonus's

Postby bras » Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:19 am

Wow, this is a complete surprise for me that the road surrounded by some terrain actually will behave as this terrain with regards to bonuses. I don't think anything like this is mentioned in the Warpedia. Though it does explain some unexpected results in a couple of games.

I wonder what would happen if the road had forest on one side and grassland on the other or similar.

I think this feature is not at all obvious and it really needs to be mentioned in Warpedia.
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Re: Incorrect Bonus's

Postby bras » Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:40 pm

I would like to know for certain, does Devil negate Archon's powers in the current Beta?
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Re: Incorrect Bonus's

Postby KGB » Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:36 pm


I don't think anyone knows for certain.

I say that because it's well known (or at least well known to some of us) that the order of your units contributes to how the bonus's are calculated/negated etc. For example if your stack goes Dragon/Devil (Dragon on top) you get only a +2 stack bonus but if it's reversed and you go Devil/Dragon you get only a +1 stack bonus.

So it's possible the Devil only negates the Archon based on stack ordering. Or maybe it always does, or maybe only negates Archons in the enemy stacks. Or well, you get the idea. Basically it's bugged in some manner. Definitely 100% for sure, an Archon cancels your own hero bonus's in addition to your opponents so you don't want to carry an Archon with your hero.

At this point in time with Beta3 being so close it's really not that important. At least not to me because I'll probably dump all my Beta2 games the minute Beta3 goes live.

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Re: Incorrect Bonus's

Postby bras » Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:07 pm

Thanks for the answer!
I didn't realise there was so much uncertainty associated with Archon's behaviour :)
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