magian wrote:Yes, they would be troop production centers. No, they would not be cities. They would not have walls that could be upgraded. They would not produce gold. They would not allow 4 stacks to defend them. They would have a limited selection of units they could build (maybe just one). They would not count as a city for victory points. They would be utterly inferior to cities. But could still be very important locations.
They should probably be pillage-able. Not too sure about vectoring. Maybe be able to vector from them, but not to them.
What you are basically describing here is simply a city of size 1x1. Everything you mention here can already be done with existing cities (set limited production, set gold income to zero, razeable, rebuildable, pillageable etc) minus the city walls and vectoring. In fact if these sites couldn't vector armies they made they would be totally useless (no one wants to walk men across a large map from the other side). So what exactly are we getting here game wise that requires this addition? If 1x1 size cities is so vital then it's better to just create 1x1 cities instead of another set of rules for a site that is another complication/rule set for new players to learn.
magian wrote:I would like to be able to raze villages and towers as well. Haven't thought about ports, I could see razing ports creating problems, unless boats could re-build them.
Towers already automatically degrade each time they are captured eventually disappearing. I'd like gold sites to do the same (100%, 75%, 50%, 25% until 0% income is reached after 5 captures). The cost to fix the gold site could be 3x the cost of the lost income. For ports, I would suggest that boats should still be able to land / leave from a razed port for an extra cost (4 gold per boat) but there would no longer be any boat upgrades until it's repaired (that means the raze and repair cost needs to be something like 50-100 gold).
magian wrote:Did graphics ever get made for those upgraded units (armored elephants and suchlike)?
No. Not sure the game requires it either since it would mean a LOT of new images. An opponent should have to scout your armies if he wants to see your stats. As for the player whose units it is, they can have an extra icon on the image like the bless icon we have now that indicates this unit is upgrade in some manner.