Cities w/ strong unit production

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Cities w/ strong unit production

Postby SCIkick » Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:33 pm

I'm making a map and decided to have the eight starting cities have some fairly strong units. One comes with elephants, another has demons. Are these too powerful or is it alright as long as all players start balanced?

I also have put a few powerful neutral cities that need to be conquered to earn the production. Of course they are near like themed armies so a unicorc city is near the green player, a ghost and medusa cites high in some hills near the black player, etc.

Any thoughts? whats the highest existing army production you would put on a map to keep it balanced?
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Re: Cities w/ strong unit production

Postby piranha » Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:51 pm

The starting cities won't get the production that you pick, from beta3 all starting cities are empty even if you decide what they should produce in the editor.

Each player will then use his starting money to buy production.

I think it will work as long as there are good units near all start positions.
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Re: Cities w/ strong unit production

Postby KGB » Fri Nov 26, 2010 5:29 pm


One question about this that I'd forgotten about.

When you set up a game you have the option to select 'cities may not produce allies'. In Beta2, clicking this option caused the Bullrun map with the Dragon/Archon/Devil cities to have those cities appear empty because they should not have that production.

In Beta3 those same cities exist in my updated Bullrun map. If I include a basic unit like Lt Infantry with the Devil/Archon/Dragon will that fix the problem so that at least the cities won't appear empty?

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Re: Cities w/ strong unit production

Postby SnotlinG » Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:53 pm

I´ll check this. But that is how it should work.
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