Sorry for the n00b post here. I've checked the forums and have not seen a good explanation of the warding calculations. I must be missing something or the ambush/warding math is not linear.
Me (attacker): In my stack I have a ranger with with warding up to 85 and a 6HP 70 strength barbie
My stack: barb 70 STR 6HP, Assassin +100 ambush (he had the ambush armor), and ranger 70 ward + titans adamant (+15ward)
Enemy (defending in city): has an assassin with ambush at +44 and an enemy ranger
Then this happens to me, late in the battle:
Ambush roll:
Defender: HeroAssassin rolls 2 (7) Hit!
Ambush on HeroBarbarian, unit dies.
I don't understand how my barbarian died. How could he have died?
GameID 39700
When I mouseover my barbarian he is showing ward 10 but that doesnt make sense, I think that is just the warding the enemy ranger is applying. When I mouseover my Assassin he is showing ward 40 but I dont understand that either. My ranger is showing no ward. Do the rangers wards cancel out? I still dont see how I died.