Hello folks,
I seems I can't scroll down to the bottom of the comments on my map and respond on my laptop right now, so I'll just respond here I guess.
I read one comment about a few starting positions being far from ports, so unable to expand. Well, they can expand, but slower then others and also their position is better defended. The comment about the ruins I agree with but as of now ruins don't award allies. And, the one about capitol starting armies, I thought players all get the same gold and buy initial production?
Anyway, I'm in a hotel and bored, so here's a breakdown of how I saw the starting positions on my map if anyones interested:
White (Knights) - very defensible position. Can get much cavalry quickly and must be aggressive to capture a port.
Black- (Darklord) - Also very defensible and isolated, but can get good armies rather quickly..Ghosts, spiders. Will likely clash with the Vikings in the dwarf mountain pass cities.
Teal (Vikings) - Can expand by sea pretty quickly or take the mountain pass. May end up in naval/island battles with the Blue player.
Red (Monsters) - Can get elementals, demons fairly early. Must start off good or could get smashed between Teal and Yellow
Yellow (Easterners) - Will battle Red to north and Orange in south to get a foothold, probably needs to focus on one
Blue (Empire) - Can expand by sea immediately, but vulnerable to sea attacks and is between White and Green
Green (Sylvan) - Favorable postion and wont get attacked until later, likely by Blue or Black
Orange (Nomads) - Isolated but defensible, units will be fast moving and also can get elephants early