Just sending out a question to see what the response is. The idea of games where you bet money and the winning player / team gets prize pool has been thrown around here a few times. It seems to me that it could be done. Games where skill is the deciding factor are legal here and after doing pretty good research online it seems that most countries do accept it as long as its skill based and not luck.
If anyone have texts that says otherwise please post links in this thread.
I've been thinking about how to do it for Warbarons. How to solve it for the game seems quite simple.
I'm imagining that you under the advanced tab can set a buy in for the game. For example 1 - 100 Euro (or what currency we happen to use). Then each player would have to spend that to buy into the game when selecting a color.
We would have a percentage rake that we take per game.
The rest goes to the winning player(s).
Only ladder games can be about money (to not create different competition areas)
It would be possible to have a ladder about winning money but then I think we would need to have a option to be private and not listed on that ladder.
The current credits could not be used for money games since you can use Paypal to fund credits and they don't accept games about money, and since we give ladder winners credits we would be ruined by Igor .
So instead there would have to be another type of money that you play money games with let's call them Warcoin.
The first question to ask is what funding system to use. I've looked into this a lot for a long time now and it's not an easy question. Since I want it to be possible to deposit and withdraw your Warcoin instantly without manual work from us. We only want to support one funding option when we start or we will need to have coverage for all the Warcoin in both funding options which we are too poor and small to do for now .
I want something that is easy to fund everywhere and even if WebMoney accept this activity it's really difficult to open and fund a WebMoney account outside Russia and the countries near Russia. It took me a lot of work to get our account accepted and funded.
I've looked at Skrill and Neteller for this. Either of them is one option. The other option is a digital currency that had a lot of coverage in media the last weeks and that is bitcoin. After looking at this for a long time now I can see many good reasons to go with BitCoin, but there are some bad too. So I want to ask those of you who could be interesting in games about money about your thoughts and opinions on this matter. Would you accept using bitcoins?
The main reasons I want to go with bitcoins are:
Integrating BTC (BitCoin) is really smooth. The API (programming interface to send and receive money) is very good.
I've been in contact with skrill and neteller and it's like a wall for a small business. They want to know the size of our business and when I tell them how small we are and expected deposits I receive no more replies so I'm sure we could get started months faster with BTC.
It's easy to fund and withdraw bitcoin through several different exchangers http://www.mtgox.com is the most popular but there are many others. It can be funded from bank transfers or other e-currencies.
BitCoin is a peer 2 peer currency where all clients act as verifiers and together keep track of all the existing money and what wallets it's located in. There are no transaction fees when sending it between wallets and no regulations of what you may do with it.
The bad for something like this with bitcoin is that it's a bit like a stock, there is a limited number of bitcoins so the value of the bitcoin is going up and down from people speculating on it. As long as the number of people who are using bitcoin increase the value of it will increase over time but it could also drop if enough people want to withdraw and if a bitcoin crisis should occur the value could collapse. Since the start it's been increasing, with many ups and downs but there is a risk factor using it.
To find out more about bitcoin read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin
Here is a realtime graph: http://bitcoinity.org/markets