Key to Success in Tundra (Snowy) Map is:

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Key to Success in Tundra (Snowy) Map is:

Postby tabanli » Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:17 pm


1) He is a though-though defender. Even if you can kill it, it will cripple your initial stack.
2) He resides at the back city. Even if you get the city, you can't expand from there. It will take your hero 2 turns to reach there and two more turns to come back to where you started

If you want to get mammoth early, plunder the cities and buy yourself one. Or just wait until your first hero expands and try to get the Mammoth city with your second-third heroes. Sometimes there is another power unit there instead of a Mammoth but the same deal goes.

I would like to continue this key to success series. Maybe other players may contribute to this or start a new one giving hints about other maps.
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Re: Key to Success in Tundra (Snowy) Map is:

Postby KGB » Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:39 pm

The other big key to success on this map is going first.

With the current mirror design of the map the team/player going first has an advantage of reaching the bless sites first and being able to control and use them forever. The +5 combat bonus along with the move bonus is very important. The city distribution is also such that a couple of central cities are reachable by the team/player going first allowing them to gain control of those cities and deny them to the opponent.

Also any initial flying units matter more to the team/player going first because of the amount of ridges/water giving those flying units an excellent chance to pull off a successful raid of enemy cities.

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