piranha wrote:I have no problem with the young guy winning millions on the lottery as long as it me
Me either!
piranha wrote:You could also say that being part of small skirmishes in some half defended villages is not going to give you the same experience as leading a huge army vs a well protected city controlled by the hero who has 10 years of experience
. I understand what you mean.
I wouldn't mind so much if the XP from other things was worth more. I mean the point of the game is to conquer cities, not slay enemy units. So conquering cities should be giving more XP. Plus that battle wasn't a heroic battle between 2 super stacks full of Dragons/Devils etc. It was just scouts, orcs, hv infantry and giants. If you had been a Paladin you'd have gotten 40% more XP (6K worth) and if it had been a real battle between super stacks it would have been 10-12K worth. That's the equivalent of conquering a hundred of neutrals.
Otherwise I get to the point where my hero could conquer 3 enemy cities with 1 man in them or kill 8 hv infantry in the open and he's going to ignore the cites to get the gobs of XP. That makes no sense. Plus it also means that if I can disband men and I see an enemy hero stack I can't beat I'm going to disband rather than attack because I can't afford to give out all that free XP to the enemy. Again that doesn't make much sense.
It would help a lot if conquering a city gave a base 500XP plus units inside and ruins gave 500 for L1, 750 for L2 and 1000 for L3. Then taking a 2-3 neutrals + a 1-2 ruins gets you to L3. That helps offset the gobs of XP from battles.
piranha wrote:There will some time to watch beta3 games now, I'm more worried about the weird combat result you got.
Me too! I blame that result for my entire turn of rotten luck where I lost 18 men to kill only 4 despite being a 70+% favorite in all 3 battles! So I resigned because clearly the Gods weren't on my side in that game.
piranha wrote:About the bonuses, thats right and thats probably why I dont consider that bonus as unbalanced. Sure its nice to get a "free" pegasi but movement and vision with the amazon is really nice to, atleast I found the extra vision has been very useful.
I agree 100%. Now that I know how it works it's a LOT less useful. Mid to late game it's entirely pointless as you'll always have that kind of bonus available someplace. It's really only useful on small maps where you get climatic battles in the first 10-15 turns.
The Valkrie is a great hero in 1-1 games. You don't have to worry about facing down the enemy in the early turns so you have time to be a ruin whore and she is perfect for that.
piranha wrote:Not sure how I could make it easier to understand all bonuses. I tried to explain them in the warpedia but I could probably explain the hero bonuses in more detail.
Just took a look at the new Warpedia. Impressive. You've spent a lot of hours updating it and adding graphics.
Your bonus explanation is fine. It makes sense to me. I guess what's not clear is when you are looking at the hero menu itself and seeing that bonus and realizing it's a stack bonus and not a special attack mode like the Elemental gets.
I guess what would be handy is to list all 3 heroes in the hero section and show exactly what each one starts with. Then you could point out the stack bonus's area and mention it again to help clarify.
P.S. I looked at the combat section. It says high risk = high reward. Actually it really should say large battles = large reward. I mean if my hero fights a giant 1-1 in a L1 city that is a 50/50 battle. That's every bit as high risk as an 8v8 battle that is 50/50. But I don't get the same high reward and I probably get less of a reward than a strong hero stack does from slaughtering 8 Lt Infantry