Game id = 42342
Browser - Google Chrome
I know that there was a similar issue spotted before, but I have some more problems related to that.
I was fighting with a player who surrendered from a game. One of his cities (Estermont) was empty, so it turned into a neutral city without a garrison (is it even possible?). When I attacked it, my units went into the city without changing the skin of the city (my units was in the city, but the city was still labeled as a "neutral-active"). I left the game and after consequent log-in an ordinary "victory in the city pop-up" appeared. Everything was without problem in that time.
A few turns later I produced some units (partly via portals). It was strange, that they appeared in the upper right quarter of the city, and not in the upper left as usual. Probably some bug, but not a big issue.
But some more turns later I wanted to pass the city with my eagle. Instead of going through city it attacked it. In a battle history I see "WeDoNotSaw vs. WeDoNotSaw" (undercover name) and in that battle there were no defenders (which is not true, there were some units present in that city in the time of attack. I pillaged some gold from myself (ca 150 or so) and stopped the production in the city (which is probably the worst problem for me).
In the same game there is another bug. When I am travelling through the sea, sometimes an error pop-up appears, with a text like "path is blocked". Then there are some "legal squares" where I can not go - usually a plain water square. I though that this bug was caused when I joined a flying hero and a sea serpent, but later this appeared also with just a single eagle (the eagle which later attacked my city, as I am describing above.
I have never experienced such a behaviour before.