Warbaron's Cup 2013

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Warbaron's Cup 2013

Postby AngryOgre » Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:29 am

Dear all,

Anyone interested in participating in a singleelimination competition for the honor of being the last undefeated warbaron? The concept would be simple: the contestants play 1on1 and the winner advance to the next level. I volonteer to try to do the practical organizing stuff of matching people. The idea is to give people without the time needed to play the number of games necessary for winning the ladder a place to compete for high honours anyway.

If enough people are interested, I will do a pairing and annonce on this thread at least a week before the games begin. It will then be up to the players to play the game out and report back to me with a winner. Once all games are completed I will set up round two. For simplicity's sake contestants will have to agree on a map suitable for 1on1 amongst themselves (asking me to pick one in case of disagreement) and all games will have a 2-day turn limit to make sure we advance somewhat quickly.

If you are interested in participating please sign your game name in this post.


Great initiative! I'm making this post sticky.

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Re: Warbaron's Cup 2013

Postby magian » Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:58 pm

Sign me up. There can be only one!
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Re: Warbaron's Cup 2013

Postby KGB » Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:11 pm

Assuming each game takes 1 month to play (say 25 turn game at roughly 1 full turn a day) it means that a 16 player tourney will take 4 months. And that's a very optimistic case that assumes fairly quick turns and smaller maps (if 2 players tangle on a large map like Battlefield or Bullrun it could easily require 40 turns or 2 months to finish.

The downside is as follows:
1) Everyone else has to sit to wait for the longest game to complete in each round which sucks if you wait weeks for your next game.
2) A 4-5 month tourney may see players lost simply by attrition (ie they leave the site).
3) You are only guaranteed 1 game (if the best 2 players face off in the first match one gets eliminated immediately).
4) You must have a 2^N number of players (2,4,8,16 etc) or else there will have to be byes.

I'd like to suggest an alternative format: Simultaneous Round Robin.

In this format each player plays everyone else one time (with all games going on at the same time so you'd have 5 on-going games if there were 6 players. If there are more than 8 players I'd suggest 2 rounds with half the games in round 1 and then the other half in round 2 so that you aren't overwhelmed by game turns in too many games). The winner is the player with the best record (head-2-head settling tie breaker)

This has the advantage that you play everyone once, the tourney finishes faster (1-2 months tops) and you don't require a 2^N number of players.

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Re: Warbaron's Cup 2013

Postby AngryOgre » Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:57 pm

Many thanks to Piranha for making this sticky. And many thanks for the nice ideas to KGB - sounds very reasonable. Lets not make a decision on the technical side just yet and wait and see how many sign up - I am open for whatever works. So please sign in if you are interested in competing for the honor of winning the Warbaron's Cup of 2013 :-). Can I take KGB's insights as a signup as well? ;-). If so, we are now three


Everyone else that might be interested please sign up here or write me in a PM.

Best wishes

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Re: Warbaron's Cup 2013

Postby SnotlinG » Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:35 am

FYI, we will reward the winner with some price in credits (if wanted).
Exact amount will be based on number of participants :-)
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Re: Warbaron's Cup 2013

Postby Chazar » Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:12 am

What would be the turn time limit? If it is 3 days or more, then I would like to participate.
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Re: Warbaron's Cup 2013

Postby tabanli » Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:59 pm

In Round Robin chess tournaments, everybody has whites and blacks equally except if number of player is even. I think we have to make sure that no one has too much starting advantage. I am not sure if it is possible code-wise to force a particular player to start.
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Re: Warbaron's Cup 2013

Postby Khardan » Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:13 am

I'd play. I agree the Round Robin make more sense. I think we should avoid the maps that lead to really long games (battlefield), but I hope that doesn't mean we only have small maps. Perhaps it would be possible to have map size increase each round (start small, end with battlefield for championship).
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Re: Warbaron's Cup 2013

Postby Moonknight » Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:28 am

Count me in...
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Re: Warbaron's Cup 2013

Postby Tim » Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:43 pm

For me the Turn Limit must be minimum 2 days... I think too the Round Robin Thing is much better... count me in when the turn limit is 2 days or more...
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