Four Lords Original [1.0] is submitted for review.

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Four Lords Original [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:23 pm

New map: Four Lords Original [1.0] by KGB.
Map editor link: Four Lords Original [1.0]

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Re: Four Lords Original [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:39 pm

Updated for tournament/ladder play and for FFA/fun games as well.

Changes are:

1) Production set to any unit in any city.
2) All Powerful cities now have 1 Wizard defender. This helps balance out when flying units are placed there vs land units. All other cities have had their extra defenders removed except as noted in #8 and #10 below.
3) All neutral towers now contain 1 Lt Inf only simply to block crows/scouts etc but not any real forces from capturing them.
4) All strength bless sites guarded by 1 Elf to prevent flying units (esp Crows) from too easily blessing in the early game turns.
5) Some gold sites have their income specified (24 or 30) and view range set to 6. They are guarded by 1 extra defender to visually indicate which ones they are.
6) All L2 ruins now guarded by 1 Wizard (land) or 1 Sea Serpent (water) and L3 ruins guarded by 1 Spider. This is to prevent a L2/L3 Ranger + Eagle from running around and searching everything early on.
7) All the Serpent/Kraken defenders removed from the ports.
8) The key cities on the road in the areas between the 4 start areas have 1 Hv Inf defender to slightly delay capture of those cities by the player/team going first.
9) The 4 cities surrounding the middle area have excellent production (Ghosts for the L3 ruins, Spiders for general use and Gryphons for assaulting the central city) and high income and provide a shortcut around the map through the middle. They are however fairly strongly defended against early turn capture.
10) The island cities have 1 extra Elf defender or are set to active to make them a bit tougher than those on the main island.
11) The Grandfather was placed in the central city and it's defenders weakened to just flying units to encourage players to attempt to capture this city which has excellent production/income and access to ruins with 3 Red Dragons and 5000 gold.
12) The 1v1 start is always Red vs Green. This was done to minimize the luck of a Sandworm start for the White player.


P.S. I thought I had the ability to approve maps and/or set them as ladder. But I don't see any way to do that.
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Re: Four Lords Original [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby tabanli » Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:32 pm

I think this looks good. There are several roadblocks so second player may form some kind of defense there. Is it possible not to allow wizards as starting unit and/or limit production at capital so that flyers and wizards can't be trained there? I am little concerned with several Wizards running around too early. Also are the towers all protected, heavily protected, lightly protected?
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Re: Four Lords Original [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:38 pm


You can't prevent Wizards as a starting unit. I actually played a couple of games where a Wizard was included as the starting unit. It helps of course but doesn't overpower the map because the terrain still forces the Wizard to use a lot of movement points to reach an opponent. It won't happen before turn 4/5 and by then you should have scouts looking around and at least 1 defending unit in your cities. As for buying Wizards, you can get a lot better bang for your money by spending that 1000 on something else (Unicorns/Spiders/Gryphons) that really matters and defending with Hv Infantry.

Towers are *all* protected by 1 Light Infantry. This is just to slow down movement and capture of the towers.

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Postby smursh » Thu Oct 16, 2014 12:50 am

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Postby makmak » Tue Oct 08, 2024 12:56 pm

The special ruin in the center is too strong
At least make the 4 red dragons 3 and put one red dragon on the guard
It turns the map to a battle for the special ruin that judges the game
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Postby makmak » Tue Oct 08, 2024 12:56 pm

The special ruin in the center is too strong
At least make the 4 red dragons 3 and put one red dragon on the guard
It turns the map to a battle for the special ruin that judges the game
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Re: Four Lords Original [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Sat Oct 19, 2024 10:20 pm

Do you think it's worth making the edits after all this time?

The other thing is that I'd need someone to approve the map for ladder play. Not sure who can do that anymore.

Also considering setting the guardians on the ruins to the max possible (3 mummies and 4 vampires) to make it harder. It's unfortunate that the Sorc has is so over powered in UL.

Posts: 3030
Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:06 am

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