Editor issues

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Editor issues

Postby magian » Sat Jan 18, 2014 10:22 pm

The map editor drives me crazy. Not too sure when it started, but at some point an issue arose between the minimap and the main map, and It may only be an issue on certain map sizes. But, the area highlighted in the minimap is not square, and does not fit on my screen. I can't even access the very bottom areas of the map. I used to be able to scroll down with my mouse wheel, but that doesn't even work these days :(

Can we not just get an actual screen compatible shape for the area selected? Does it all make sense in some browser other than chrome?
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Re: Editor issues

Postby magian » Sat Jan 18, 2014 10:26 pm

I just tried again, and got a different shape. Slightly better, but still didn't fit in my screen and I still couldn't access the bottom 2-3 rows. I'm guessing its a bug or some issue with the code.
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Re: Editor issues

Postby KGB » Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:16 am


What size map are you trying on?

On 100x100 and 150x150 (2 map sizes I have used on my maps) I can access all area's of the map.

Also what screen resolution and are you running the browser 'full screen'?

I'm running in 1920x1200 in full screen.

Note that my highlighted area on the mini-map is definitely a rectangle and it's always been that way for me as far as I remember.


P.S. I am using Firefox.
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Re: Editor issues

Postby magian » Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:28 pm

Yeah, I suppose the area is always a rectangle. But, screen-sized, wider-than-tall rectangles are good. I'm dealing with much taller-than-wide rectangles, and that is causing some issues.
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Re: Editor issues

Postby magian » Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:48 pm

Just playing around with different map sizes (in both firefox and chrome). I got weird and inconsistent numbers of squares in my editor window, ranging from 14.5x11.5 to 21x28.3. Why would the number of map squares vary with the map size? And why is is not consistent on the same map when I close it and open it again? I did get around my issue of access to the lower areas of the map by zooming waaay out (control -). But the workspace becomes vary small and most of my screen is just the blank, marbled cream color of the warbarons background. I suppose I can make it work, but it makes the tedious task of map-making that much less appealing.

I have none of these issues when I play warbarons. The map window is a consistent size regardless of map size. Not sure why the map making uses its own crazy set of rules.
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Re: Editor issues

Postby KGB » Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:27 pm


Is your browser running full screen mode and what's your screen resolution?

I just opened a 100x100 and 150x150 and on both maps my detailed view area is the same size (22Wx15H).

Something funny is going on with your setup especially if your height value is larger than your width value.

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Re: Editor issues

Postby magian » Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:18 am

I have the same problem on my laptop, so I it isn't a resolution issue. I am running it in a full screen window.
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