Interface suggestions

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Interface suggestions

Postby Zajoman » Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:28 am

Unit panel
When you click a stack, all its units are displayed in the right panel, under the minimap. Now when you hover your mouse over individual units in this panel, it would be very handy if a tool tip were displayed with basic information about the unit, just like when you hover over command buttons. You know, info like unit name, strength, bonuses, etc. Since all unit graphics were changed in Beta 3 (and I must say for much better), I do not recognize some of the units, so I need to go to a city production panel and compare the graphics to actually tell which unit is which. Imagine a completely new user who has never played this game before... They would be in a world of chaos, at least for several turns. With the handy tool tip, you would instantly have basic information about what units you command, what their bonuses are, etc., so you can estimate their combat prowess in a given environment without the need of reading Warpedia entries.

Battle screen
When you hover over enemy units in the battle screen, a tool tip shows all the bonuses they receive and also their final strength. That's great. But why is this final strength not displayed in brackets next to their base strength, just like your units'?

Like this:
Wolf graphics
HP: 2/2
STR: 4 (6)

Unit names inconsistency
I've noticed there are several units with multiple names in different places. In the production panel, you have a Crow, Wolf rider (should be capitalized, "Wolf Rider"), etc., but in the battle screen, the Crow's name is displayed as Bat and the Wolf Rider's name as Wolf. Would be nice to have this straight and right. It may confuse or annoy newer players, as well as anyone else, I think. (Besides, how does this happen? I believe you have one single database with all the unit data and all interface features use that single source of data, right?)

And a note to the Pegasi unit. Currently, most units in the game are in the singular form (Scout, Orc, Minotaur), but Pegasi is in the plural. Is there a special reason for this?

As for the Light Infantry unit and the like, perhaps a more correct form would be Light Infanteer, but I don't care, the current form simply looks good.
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Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:56 pm

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