Ability Points for an L3 Ruin Reward

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Re: Ability Points for an L3 Ruin Reward

Postby Chazar » Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:44 pm

Hm, I am a bit scared by this positive feedback to my percentage-negation suggestion. :shock: I am not advocating against my own suggestion, I am just want to be cautious. :)

The way the archon works right now, in an all-or-nothing manner, was quite unique to the feel of the game. It emphasised the rock-paper-scissors battle mechanics of the game. The percentage reduction might remove a bit from the rock-paper-scissors flavor. Whether this is good or bad is yet another thing. :?:

Then again, the way the unicorn currently obliterates cavalry on open is arguably a bit too severe indeed. Even a two-third reduction would still remain significant. Maybe a 50% reduction is already enough, which would leave the balance between unicorns and spiders/griffins unchanged.
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Re: Ability Points for an L3 Ruin Reward

Postby SnotlinG » Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:27 pm

KGB wrote:Can you also reduce the cost of both Archons. They are too expensive which is one reason they never get made and why they always get pillaged. 800 for the Lesser Archon and 1200 for the Grand Archon is about what they are worth given how very specialized they are.

Changing the cost too much will affect if/when they get randomized out into the diffrent kind of cities. Also we will have to look into the Archons again when we rework the hero´s, so for now we will just go with the current system and making changes that are not so dramatic.
I have updated the Grand Archon cost from 2000 to 1825. This change will not affect how/when the Archon is populated into cities at game initialization.
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Re: Ability Points for an L3 Ruin Reward

Postby tabanli » Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:38 pm

I think Devil medusa balance is good as it is. -5 Aura - 5 Fear will make him now more attractive as you may not need medusa anymore in your Assasin Stacks for -5 fear. With devil becoming attractive, Medusa can loose its value a bit.
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Re: Ability Points for an L3 Ruin Reward

Postby KGB » Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:53 pm

tabanli wrote:I think Devil medusa balance is good as it is. -5 Aura - 5 Fear will make him now more attractive as you may not need medusa anymore in your Assasin Stacks for -5 fear. With devil becoming attractive, Medusa can loose its value a bit.

The Medusa might be able to be a bit less gold in the future. But it's really not that important because Medusa still comes in cities as production in 'good' cities where Devil does not and Medusa retains high ambush value. Since cost of Devil is so high they will pretty much be only coming as allies/ruin rewards. That seems fine.

The units that *really* benefit from this change are the Red Dragon and Elephant. Before if a stack was RD/Devil vs Devil it would end up as +2 vs 0 thanks to 2 Devils canceling everything. Now it will end up as +5 vs 0 making the RD more valuable. The same will hold true in an Elephant/Devil vs Devil scenario where the Elephant will retain +7 instead of +4.

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Re: Ability Points for an L3 Ruin Reward

Postby tabanli » Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:47 pm

That would also devaulate hero stacks
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