Map name THE_OG

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Map name THE_OG

Postby ezras » Tue Dec 21, 2010 4:32 am

So I tried to create a faithful rendition of the original map. But there are a few flaws. I also have all the city values set to random. Will the balance be lost unless I go in and set all the productions and city values? And if the answer is yes is anyone out there willing to help with all the stats?
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Re: Map name THE_OG

Postby KGB » Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:27 pm


The Illuria map for Warlords I was much bigger than the map here (150x100). So right away you can't space things out like the original map could.

Yes, you should set the production to be the same as in Warlords I because you are creating a 'scenario map' where you are trying to replicate what the original game was. However even if you do that you can't get the proper stats because the units in Warlords I took much longer to build (5-7 turns for a Pegasi/Gryffon for example). Plus it was not possible in Warlords I to buy production as it is here.

But I wouldn't bother setting the production to that of the original game. At least not until Beta4 when some more scenario options are added to the map making process and you might get closer to the feel of the original game.

Incidentally, the original game map wasn't very well balanced for 8 players. 2 of the sides (Horse Lords/Sirians) were badly placed so it really should be a 6 player map especially here where the map is much narrower. But for nostalgia purposes it's always fun to play Illuria.


P.S. If you want the stats for the original game I believe you can find the manual online that lists all the stats for each city (production, gold income)
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Re: Map name THE_OG

Postby ezras » Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:07 pm

Thanks for the feedback KGB. And thanks to you and everyone else who has put in all the hard work to make "warbarons" a reality. Keep up the great work!

And for anyone who wants the Warlords 1 experience it was just ported to iOS. Good for nostalgia but not nearly as fluid and functional as warbarons.

Found the Manual:
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Re: Map name THE_OG

Postby KGB » Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:01 pm


Yes I think that's the link I remember finding it at before. Note that Cavalry would be Hv Cavalry by War2/Warbarons standards.

As I mentioned in the map comment section you should add docks next to all the cities that originally produced boats. Those should be the only places to enter the water. Too bad you can't impose a bigger boat penalty that just the loss of movement for that turn.


P.S. One thing I really liked about Warlords I was that flying units always paid 2 movement no matter the terrain. So they didn't get the road bonus movement.
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Re: Map name THE_OG

Postby ezras » Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:47 am

I added docks at Castles that could produce navies. In the process now of naming all the castles and setting strengths. I am leaving the unit production to random for now though...
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Re: Map name THE_OG

Postby KGB » Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:59 pm


I agree with your decision to leave the production as random. Maybe in Beta4 or later with more scenario options in the map editor it will make sense to revisit the map.

One thing you should do is rename the map from THE_OG to Illuria which was the name of the original map.

P.S. I left a comment for you on the latest version of the map.
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