Definitely we can also have a L2 Wing item. I would suggest it give more than just flight though since most L2 items give some kind of stack bonus (only Lucifer's Vision/Kaleidoscope don't and they are by far the worst 2 L2 items). What would make the most sense to me is +4 personal movement. That would make it a really nice L2 item for the slower moving heroes (Barb/Pally/DK).
You really think it looks like a Shield (the other 2 Shield items look like Shields)? I swear it looks like cheap breastplate (Agats Soul Cage looks like an improved version of it) with that added cup
Other game skills I wish we had available in items:
1) Construct skill - Value between 1-3 to allow heroes with this item to construct towers/rebuild cities AND do it cheaper (adds to hero build skill).
2) Pathfinding skill - Value of either 1 or 2 to allow heroes with this item to move easier in terrain (adds to hero pathfinding skill).
3) Upkeep skill - Item would give % reduction in upkeep cost for all units in heroes stack (say 50% or even 100% so no upkeep for hero stack units).
4) Siege skill - Item would give a siege bonus (can be something as small as 2 up to no more than 5 so doesn't replace all siege units).
5) Strength skill - Only Ragnarok gives strength bonus and only when attacking. Another item that gives +X strength in defense and/or always would be nice.