New Item Ideas

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New Item Ideas

Postby Moonknight » Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:26 pm

How about items that provide walking on water and flying abilities?

Level 1 item - Feet - Levitas - Allows hero to walk on water
Level 2 item - Chest - Archangel Wings - Allows hero to fly (not over lava though)

Not sure if the Wiki is up-to-date on items, but it shows 0 items for feet at level 1 and only 1 chest item at level 2.
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Joined: Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:57 am

Re: New Item Ideas

Postby KGB » Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:02 pm

I like those item ideas.

We have a Wing item already. The Wing of Seraphim. That could just be changed to remove the +2 leadership on defense to Hero Flight (The chaos part would remain). And yes I know it's a L3 item but if a Wing item is going to have flight they all should have flight.


P.S. Anyone else think the Skeleton Warden looks like a Chest item and not a Shield? I always attempt to put it on my Chest before remembering it's a Shield item. Changing it would give us another low level Chest item (as Moonknight points out there is only 1 Chest item in the L1 and L2 item list and 3 Shield items in that same list).
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Re: New Item Ideas

Postby Moonknight » Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:29 pm

I've never seen the Wing of Seraphim (i don't get to too many level 3 ruins these days), but I agree on the change you proposed for it!

I think it's worthwhile to have it and a plain flight item in level 2 ruins.

Regarding the Skeleton Warden, I always saw it as a shield until now, and now I'm laughing about the lower portion of the 'shield' that could work as a cup... :lol:
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Re: New Item Ideas

Postby KGB » Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:53 pm

Definitely we can also have a L2 Wing item. I would suggest it give more than just flight though since most L2 items give some kind of stack bonus (only Lucifer's Vision/Kaleidoscope don't and they are by far the worst 2 L2 items). What would make the most sense to me is +4 personal movement. That would make it a really nice L2 item for the slower moving heroes (Barb/Pally/DK).

You really think it looks like a Shield (the other 2 Shield items look like Shields)? I swear it looks like cheap breastplate (Agats Soul Cage looks like an improved version of it) with that added cup :lol:

Other game skills I wish we had available in items:
1) Construct skill - Value between 1-3 to allow heroes with this item to construct towers/rebuild cities AND do it cheaper (adds to hero build skill).
2) Pathfinding skill - Value of either 1 or 2 to allow heroes with this item to move easier in terrain (adds to hero pathfinding skill).
3) Upkeep skill - Item would give % reduction in upkeep cost for all units in heroes stack (say 50% or even 100% so no upkeep for hero stack units).
4) Siege skill - Item would give a siege bonus (can be something as small as 2 up to no more than 5 so doesn't replace all siege units).
5) Strength skill - Only Ragnarok gives strength bonus and only when attacking. Another item that gives +X strength in defense and/or always would be nice.

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Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:06 am

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