German gold in USA is gone

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German gold in USA is gone

Postby Igor » Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:39 am

Germany decided to reclaim their gold, but the Federal Reserve said that it is impossible, as this operation may be delayed until 2020. Germany then asked permission to visit the vault of the Central Bank, to make sure that the gold is really there - but was denied.

The credibility to the United States was turned to Germany with impossibility even to look at the gold. Because it is likely gone. ... vereignty/ ... us-solved/ ... ed-states/

As it is known from history, during World War II, the United States Federal Reserve said to many countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa, that because there is the war, they can't vouch for the safety of their gold reserves. And that these countries should allow to take all of these stocks in the United States, that they be stored there. Many countries have done so, in return received gold certificates. However, when they later tried to get their gold and exchange it for cash, the United States told them that the certificates are not valid, they have spelling and other errors. And all this gold is still in the United States Federal Reserve System.

Now Germany.
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Re: German gold in USA is gone

Postby SCIkick » Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:37 am

You seem to be very anti- American. You should change that. I am an American and I am not Anti-anyone.

Say everything you want, all theories, it doesn't matter.

Does everyone outside of America hate us that much??
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Re: German gold in USA is gone

Postby Igor » Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:36 am

When it's said "US" it means "US government" but not common people.
To understand it more, just enough to read the topic "Fascism in Ukraine, Odessa", where is explained that common people in USA probably can feel pain and grief as well as the people in other countries do.
But US government don't interested in common people but mostly serves interests of Military department and big trade corporations. That is why US government has opened such many wars all around the world: to expand their capitals and produce and use more and more weapons.
US government need much money to finance these wars.

German gold should be gone for this reasons. Otherwise this is not clear why the gold wasn't returned back to the owner as Germany asked and even wasn't be shown.
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Re: German gold in USA is gone

Postby SCIkick » Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:33 am

I understand your point.

The United States became a "Military Industrial Complex", with lots of power.

What I'm saying is, if we humanity should move toward "globalism". Who should be the leader?
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Re: German gold in USA is gone

Postby Solo » Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:16 am

SCIkick wrote:What I'm saying is, if we humanity should move toward "globalism". Who should be the leader?

Are you sure a leader must be?
What is about a democracy? ;)
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Re: German gold in USA is gone

Postby SCIkick » Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:59 pm

You know what I mean . . . I don't think "total chaos" would be a very bright future for humanity. . . So some nation or nations have to lead.

Right now it's pretty much nobody.
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Re: German gold in USA is gone

Postby Igor » Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:24 am

World existed even before US started to "lead". Now is leading mostly to murder of peaceful people in many countries for US' own profit. It's continuing in Ukraine where puppets from Kiev are killing peaceful people in Novorossiya with systems of mass fire.

Just enough to read true news of events in Ukraine to understand scale of the tragedy which US media and satellites' media prefer don't show.
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Re: German gold in USA is gone

Postby Igor » Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:45 pm

I should add that at my look we absolutely don't need any country-leader.
Countries themselves are able to solve their troubles if they will appear. Otherwise we have UN, Top-20 organisation, WTO, which can rule international questions not solved by countries.
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Re: German gold in USA is gone

Postby Solo » Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:22 pm

SCIkick wrote:You know what I mean . . . I don't think "total chaos" would be a very bright future for humanity. . . So some nation or nations have to lead.

Right now it's pretty much nobody.

Well, as all we are humans we think our planet needs something like one country or speaking in other words, the next level of rule abstraction, a lead nation that will lead the world like a president leads his country.


One thing is here. Many people consider USA is not a good leader now. :(
The current world order is not equitable and right.

I understand a leader must act not as a usual men, he have more information and another scale of responsibility.
Now I see USA makes chaos in the Middle East. USA makes chaos in Ukraine.
It is not well.
USA does it to keep global leadership in her arms.
I could understand it as a strategy games player.
But I think it is not a good behaviour. It is not behaviour of a right leader of the world. These action are good for a regional leader or player that want to give some preference himself and to not think about a good order for all region. To be a world leader some country needs to have higher level of competency and do another way, not so simple and selfish as USA does.
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Re: German gold in USA is gone

Postby KGB » Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:41 pm

There is no 'world leader'.

The USA has never said it's a world leader. That's just a label that the press has given the USA. The truth is that the USA looks out for the USA first and foremost. Any benefit the world (another country/region) gets from the USA looking out for itself is just accidental. It *must* do this because otherwise the people in the USA will rise up and rebel against its leadership just the same as would happen in any other country.

The closest thing to a 'world leader' that we could ever have in terms of someone who takes into account all countries/people would have to be a religious leader like Jesus/Mohammed etc. It can't be someone with actual military power.

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