Germany decided to reclaim their gold, but the Federal Reserve said that it is impossible, as this operation may be delayed until 2020. Germany then asked permission to visit the vault of the Central Bank, to make sure that the gold is really there - but was denied.
The credibility to the United States was turned to Germany with impossibility even to look at the gold. Because it is likely gone. ... vereignty/ ... us-solved/ ... ed-states/
As it is known from history, during World War II, the United States Federal Reserve said to many countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa, that because there is the war, they can't vouch for the safety of their gold reserves. And that these countries should allow to take all of these stocks in the United States, that they be stored there. Many countries have done so, in return received gold certificates. However, when they later tried to get their gold and exchange it for cash, the United States told them that the certificates are not valid, they have spelling and other errors. And all this gold is still in the United States Federal Reserve System.
Now Germany.