Gauging Interest in 3v3 or 4v4 Tourney

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Gauging Interest in 3v3 or 4v4 Tourney

Postby Moonknight » Mon Jan 26, 2015 1:09 am

Hi all, any teams interested in either a 3v3 or 4v4 tournament?
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Re: Gauging Interest in 3v3 or 4v4 Tourney

Postby KGB » Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:07 pm

If you make such a tourney I suggest making it only 1 round due to:

1) Difficulty of keeping same 3-4 players on a team for an extended period of time (may take a year plus for multiple rounds and team mates may become inactive)
2) Difficulty of keeping interest especially since it will mean big maps that virtually guarantee a wide disparity in finish times (ie some games may finish months after others delaying starts of future rounds).
3) How few teams will probably enter

So if you get say 6 teams of 3 (or 4) then I'd have a 5 game tourney (play everyone once) with all games active at once and winner take all. If there was a 3+ way tie (after factoring in head-to-head) then you can do an elimination round between tied teams.

Assuming a format like that, I'd be interested especially if you used X different maps where X = number of games played by a team.

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Re: Gauging Interest in 3v3 or 4v4 Tourney

Postby Moonknight » Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:43 am

I might as well just set up games between International Strategists, Pork Brothers, Warbarons, Good Guys, and the Cimmerians and call it a day :lol:
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Re: Gauging Interest in 3v3 or 4v4 Tourney

Postby KGB » Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:52 am

Yup :lol:

This is where the ability to have Tourneys with non-ladder games would be handy. So that you could form teams that allowed players who were not your regular team mates to play. That might generate a few more teams in cases like this.

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Re: Gauging Interest in 3v3 or 4v4 Tourney

Postby KGB » Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:06 am

Are you still thinking of getting this going? I only ask because I am not even sure we can field a 4 player team these days :(

I'm almost out of tournaments so I need a new one to play. If we can't get a 3v3 or 4v4 maybe we can get a reverse 'growing maps' one where we start on the largest maps and work down to the smallest.

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Re: Gauging Interest in 3v3 or 4v4 Tourney

Postby Moonknight » Thu Feb 12, 2015 4:05 am

What happened to the Pork Brothers? Tell CC to get back in action (I only see him play on Outlands, lol).

There are some good 3v3 maps, let's try that route.

I'll send out some fliers to see how many teams are interested.

Do we want to allow multiple teams from within the same Warbaron team? I know the Cimmerians would probably have 2 teams enter if that is the case?

Or, do we want it so anyone from each team can join at any round (not sure if this is even a possibility with the formal tournament process)?
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Re: Gauging Interest in 3v3 or 4v4 Tourney

Postby Moonknight » Thu Feb 12, 2015 4:26 am

Messages have been sent to the following teams, I believe these are all the active teams with at least 3 players:

A Beautiful Disaster
Good Guys
Hadesha Natives
Hordes of Chernobyl
International Strategists
No Pain
None Shall Pass
Pork Brothers
Rare Exports
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Re: Gauging Interest in 3v3 or 4v4 Tourney

Postby Moonknight » Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:25 am

Teams that have responded with interest in 3v3 Tourney:

Good Guys
Cimmerians (x2 if we allow multiple teams)
Pork Brothers (I assume)
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Re: Gauging Interest in 3v3 or 4v4 Tourney

Postby KGB » Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:58 am

We *are* interested. At least Atomic and I are.

Our other 2 active members ChickenChaser and Jetigig haven't said anything yet. So we may not be able to field a team :(

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Re: Gauging Interest in 3v3 or 4v4 Tourney

Postby Moonknight » Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:06 pm

We can get the 3v3 tourney started. What maps do we want? Colorful Snowflake? High Seas Combat? Waste?

I think we have a total of 7 teams:
Good Guys
Cimmerians - Team A
Cimmerians - Team B
Pork Brothers
International Strategists

I'll ask the mods for access to set the tourney up.

So we want one large round robin in the first round (6 games for each team), 4 teams in second round (3 games for each team), 2 teams final round (one game for each team)? Or, have two brackets for first round so it's only 2/3 games for each team, 2 teams from each bracket moves on to round 2?

This will have a lot of influence on ladder standings.
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