Broken Map Editor

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Broken Map Editor

Postby KGB » Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:10 pm

I was editing the Hibbletops map.

I did a cut/paste of an existing area and moved it on the map. Everything seemed OK. But during editing I noticed that sometimes the editor wouldn't quite overwrite cut paste areas correctly (ie in some spots the paste put down a land type of say water and I wanted to edit that to make it land and when I clicked on it, it would not change the type). Eventually I figured it seemed to be related to the bigger tiles (ie when those are cut/paste the editor doesn't want to 'break' them up on subsequent overwrite edits). It also seems to mess up water shore lines after cut paste as well (you can see examples of this in the lower right).

Anyway, after doing a bunch of editing I saved the map. Now when I try and open the map it loads but it seems to be broken because I can't scroll the map. Nor can I click on a city/ruin/gold site and inspect it. I am guessing the map editor is broken in some manner due to duplicate data on squares from the cut/paste issue I described above.

Can you take a look at this map and is it possible to get it to load and fix what's happened?

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Re: Broken Map Editor

Postby Tim » Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:03 am

It should be working... ;( see my post Map Editor from 24 oct 2014. it still dont? Havent try it one more Time since then because i have not the Time to rework at corrupted map. ;)
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Re: Broken Map Editor

Postby KGB » Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:24 pm

i think it's still an issue.

The copy/paste of cities/ruins/sites didn't work. I had to manually add them after the paste. But the total numbers of each are correct so I don't think I have any 'ghost' sites/cities etc as you experienced.

Instead I seem to have ghost terrain that I can't change correctly. It makes for some interesting visual effects (water with no shore lines looks quite interesting in the middle of forest/swamp) and some bad ones (water in hills/mountains). Pretty sure it's an issue with copying large tiles.

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Re: Broken Map Editor

Postby SnotlinG » Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:14 pm

Strange, I thought I had fixed this issue. Will investigate when I get some time :-)
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Re: Broken Map Editor

Postby SnotlinG » Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:29 pm

I did a small fix, load the mapeditor and then hit F5 to refresh the js scripts. Then try to load your map.
Let me know how it goes, and if it has issues somewhere?

I think it sounds a bit strange, I know the copy/paste function doesnt work 100% with water/shores, but cities and buildings should be copied anyway...?
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Re: Broken Map Editor

Postby KGB » Tue Mar 10, 2015 5:51 pm


Thanks. I can now open the map and move around again.

The copy/paste function definitely DOES NOT copy cities/sites/ruins etc. At least it didn't when I used it a couple of weeks ago. That's OK with me as I didn't mind manually placing stuff since it was only a handful of items. Other people would probably prefer it copy everything (note I *know* it didn't copy even in Ghost mode because the number of cities/ruins/sites after my copy is the same as the original map).

There are still a few issues however regarding terrain where there must be more than 1 tile on the same square.

For example load my copy of the Hibbletops map and go to 95,119. There you'll see a piece of land in the water with incorrect shoreline from my prior edits. Click the the water tiles and now click on that square. It won't change to water.

Also take a look at 71,119. There the water is 'floating' in the swamp. A VERY cool looking effect. It appears to be water but I can't be sure. That one can at least be edited and the shorelines added if I wish.

Another is the water square at 83,120. Click water tiles and click in that exact spot. It then turns a VERY large area into water for some reason. Probably the prior edits didn't take in some manner.

So hard to know what's correct and what's not in some spots down there when I did the big cut/paste that moved large tiles over large tiles.

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Re: Broken Map Editor

Postby SnotlinG » Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:37 pm

Sorry for the late reply, been quite busy lately (new job).
I checked the map, and it looks a bit weird I agree. However I think that can happen when using the copy/paste function on areas with water/complicated shorelines etc. That it turns a large area into whater when you click at certain points is just the code trying to work out a proper shoreline. It seems your copy/paste has somehow got rid of the shoreline.
I think you should be able to restore the shoreline by adding some water/terrain clicks at the needed points. I dont think the terrain/map is broken.
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