Ok, guys...since i have almost no experience in map making, could u please help me in making the discworld as balanced as it could be? I want it to make at least some sense so the starting nations should be the political entities of the Discworld (Agatean Empire, Uberwald, Klatch, Tezuman Empire,...)
I´ve discussed it with piranha a bit and we´ve come up with following suggestions:
1) Leave Ankh neutral (Vetinari´s always neutral

) and move the white capital to Chimeria or Llamedos.
2) Move the Klatchian capital (orange) from Al Kali to Zabingo (southwestern tip of the main continent)
3) Move Uberwald (red) further east - possibly by simply relocating the city...
4) Move green from Bugarup to Genua (north of the river delta in the east)
Do u have other suggestions? Please comment...