Discworld 1 [1.0] is submitted for review.

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Discworld 1 [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Celeb » Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:23 pm

New map: Discworld 1 [1.0] by Celeb.
Map editor link: Discworld 1 [1.0]

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Postby Celeb » Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:30 pm

I´ve created this map as a tribute to Terry Pratchett. I hope u´ll enjoy at least as much as i´ve enjoyed his books...Thank you, sir Terry.
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Re: Discworld 1 [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby piranha » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:51 pm

Cool, another fantasy world to play. Never read Pratchett but the map looks interesting :-).
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Re: Discworld 1 [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby piranha » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:58 pm

I looked at it some more. 2 things that would be nice if you could do something with.

1. Setup starting teams to create as even games on it as possible even if the map is not symmetric.

2. There are some broken graphics on coastlines where rivers flow out, you can repair them by placing a water tile just outside the river entrance. Would be nice with such a well crafted map.
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Re: Discworld 1 [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:49 pm

Beautiful looking map.

Unfortunately I don't see how you can play it in anything but 'fun' mode as there are no reasonable starting spots for 1v1, 2v2, FFA play etc.

For example in a FFA game, White can eliminate Orange on turn 2 if White goes first (takes neutral city, enters water, upgrade boats and reaches Oranges capitol on turn 2 and Orange may not have a 2nd city (even if he does game is lost with Capitol gone on turn 2). These 2 sides will always be attacking each other SO early (crows, serpents etc).

The 2 starts in the North have so few cities that in a 1v1 game with any of the 4 southern spots they get crushed because all 4 southern spots have way more cities / roads.

Red vs Yellow is the *closest* thing to a reasonable 1v1 start spot. I can't see any reasonable 2v2 spots . 3v3 *might* be OK with Blue/White/Orange vs Green/Red/Yellow

You probably should break with the fantasy theme and make better start spots.

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Re: Discworld 1 [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:54 pm

What would be really interesting is to make a version with the 4 small islands that have just 1 city (2 in the left ocean, 1 in the far north and one in the deep south east) as 4 start spots and let player conquer the main island gradually.

You'd need to adjust the south and north islands slightly (where ports are located. In the south port would have to be on opposite side of island, in the north you'd need to add a port next to the wall on the main land so there was a landing spot) to balance it a bit but otherwise it should make for an interesting game.

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Re: Discworld 1 [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Moonknight » Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:37 pm

This is beautifully done celeb! Pure art!

Hope simple adjustments can be made to make it somewhat balanced!

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Re: Discworld 1 [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Tim » Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:52 am

I agree. Looks very very Nice. Much work!
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Postby Celeb » Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:25 am

Thank u for ur advice - I´ve really tried to make it as much Terry as I could a it might have affected the balance...Will try to play it with my friends and adjust it to your comments afterwards.
I really like KGBs suggestion with the small islands - do i have to create a completely new map? Or could it be added on the same just as a kind of scenario mode?
Will correct the outflow graphics immediately - tnx piranha.
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Re: Discworld 1 [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Celeb » Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:33 pm

Ok, guys...since i have almost no experience in map making, could u please help me in making the discworld as balanced as it could be? I want it to make at least some sense so the starting nations should be the political entities of the Discworld (Agatean Empire, Uberwald, Klatch, Tezuman Empire,...)

I´ve discussed it with piranha a bit and we´ve come up with following suggestions:

1) Leave Ankh neutral (Vetinari´s always neutral :)) and move the white capital to Chimeria or Llamedos.
2) Move the Klatchian capital (orange) from Al Kali to Zabingo (southwestern tip of the main continent)
3) Move Uberwald (red) further east - possibly by simply relocating the city...
4) Move green from Bugarup to Genua (north of the river delta in the east)

Do u have other suggestions? Please comment...
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