Discworld colonization [1.0] is submitted for review.

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Discworld colonization [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Celeb » Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:00 pm

New map: Discworld colonization [1.0] by Celeb.
Map editor link: Discworld colonization [1.0]

Posts: 19
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:05 pm

Re: Discworld colonization [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Sun Apr 12, 2015 5:46 pm


Thanks for doing this. I can't wait to try it out.

A couple of things.

1) Not sure 1v1 is setup correctly. It appears to still be the 1v1 setup for the original map because it shows 6 possible sides but only 4 are used (2v2 and FFA seems right).
2) For Yellow start spot I'd put the port on the other side of the island next to the city because it's SO close for Yellow to reach the mainland compared to the other start spots. That way it's further away for Yellow too.
3) Although it's changing your map a bit, I'd consider moving the Blue start city to the right. There is 2 small islands there, one with a L1 ruin on it. Maybe turn that into 1 large island and put the Blue start city there. That spaces the 4 start spots better.
4) I would consider putting a L1 ruin on all 4 start islands (2 have it now and 1 has a L2 ruin) for balance reasons. This ties into moving the Blue city above.
5) Noticed a water square still messed up near where Teal will land on main continent.

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Re: Discworld colonization [1.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Celeb » Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:01 pm

Yeah, will try to do that, all points seem valid...
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:05 pm

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